法语教学,French teaching
1)French teaching法语教学
1.By comparing the similarities and differences in sounds,vocabulary,grammar and culture between English and French,this article tries to promote the positive transfer and restrain the negative transfer so as to enhance the auxiliary effect of English in French teaching.本文从两种语言的语音、词汇、语法、交际文化等层面的共同点和不同点入手,采用多种外语教学法结合的教学实践,促进英语正迁移,避免负迁移,使英语在法语教学中起到辅助作用。
2.This paper analyzes the English interference in French teaching of pronunciation, words and grammar based on the author s teaching practice and the obstacles the students meet in their studies, and gives the author s opinion on the necessity of comparative explanation when the two languages seem the same in appearance but are different in meaning.本文根据法英双语专业法语教学中的实际体验,从语音、词汇和语法三个方面分析了英语干扰问题,认为对法、英两种语言表面相同或近似实则不然的部分进行比较、讲解是完全必要的,这将有利于学生的法语学习,也将加深他们对两种语言的理解。

1.Réflexion sur l'enseignement du franais à des étudiants ingénieurs对法语教学的探索——面向工程师学生的法语教学
2.English Grammar Teaching in the Framework of Communicative Language Teaching in Senior Middle Schools;论交际教学法下的高中英语语法教学
3.The Value of G-T Method in ELT;语法翻译教学法在英语教学中的价值
4.The New Concept of Grammar Teaching--the Interactive Grammar Teaching;语法教学新理念——交互性语法教学
5.The Comparative Teaching Method of Chinese, English and Their Cultures in Teaching English.;英语教学法中的语言文化对比教学法
6.On the Necessity of Grammar Teaching in ELT in Middle Schools论中学英语教学中语法教学的必要性
7.On the Position of Grammar Teaching in Middle School English Teaching;论语法教学在中学英语教学中的地位
8.Article Teaching--A Teaching Method of College English Reading;语篇教学——大学英语阅读教学方法
9.Bilingual Teaching and Content Language Integrated Learning Approach;双语教学与语言-内容融合学习教学法
10.On Context and Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence in English Grammar Teaching;英语语法教学中语境与语用能力培养
11.The Application of English Corpus in Grammar Teaching;英语语料库在英语语法教学中的应用
12.Reinforce Vocabulary Teaching and Weaken Syntax Teaching in TCSL;强化词语教学,淡化句法教学——也谈对外汉语教学中的语法教学
13.He's giving her French lessons in exchange for her teaching him English.他教她法语, 她教他英语, 互教互学.
14.The role of grammar teaching in college English;论语法教学在高校英语教学中的作用
15.Application of Films and Televisions Teaching Method in Oral English Teaching;影视教学法在英语口语教学中的应用
16.Some Problems about Grammar Teaching in Teaching Foreigners Chinese;对外汉语教学中语法教学的若干问题
17.Foreign language methodological trends abroad and foreign language teaching in our country;国外外语教学法流派与我国外语教学
18.On College English Grammar Teaching-How to teach Attributive Clause;大学英语语法教学探析——以定语从句的教学为例

grammar teaching语法教学
1.A survey of the latest developments in research abroad on grammar teaching;国外语法教学研究的最新发展综述
2.Raising grammar consciousness and enhancing grammar teaching—On teaching English grammar at college level;增强语法意识,加强语法教学——谈大学英语语法教学
3.The inductive-deductive grammar teaching approach in English;归纳演绎教学法在英语语法教学中的应用(英文)
3)pedagogical grammar教学语法
1.Traditional English pedagogical grammar assumes that to in an infinitive has no lexical meaning and serves merely as a marker of the infinitive.传统英语教学语法认为to在动词原形前只起不定式符号的作用,没有词汇意义。
2.There are differences as well as connections between theoretical grammar and pedagogical grammar.理论语法与教学语法既有区别又有联系:前者具有前瞻性、创造性和探索性的传统,属理论型的;后者则具有规定性、稳定性和功效性的特质,属应用型的。
3.In the past many years,the studies on both the theroretical grammar and the pedagogical grammar have made rapid progress,yet there was not much success achieved in the intersection of the two.过去的几十年中 ,理论语法和教学语法都得到了长足的发展 ,但是理论语法和教学语法的衔接问题一直解决得不理想。
4)grammar instruction语法教学
1.The conversion of language knowledge and cognitive grammar instruction;语言知识转化与认知语法教学
2.Based on such background, this paper dwells upon the linguistic theories of both implicit and explicit grammar instruction in an attempt to expl.以形式为中心的明示语法教学被以意义为中心的暗示语法教学所取代后,随着语法教学地位的恢复,以形式为主导的明示语法教学大有复辟的趋势。
5)English grammar teaching语法教学
1.A Way out of Wrong Ideas in English Grammar Teaching;正确理解中学课标精神走出英语语法教学的误区
2.This paper,based on an analysis of present English grammar teaching situation in higher vocational colleges,proposes interactive teaching mode and its operational application in English grammar class.结合目前高职院校的英语语法教学现状,介绍了交互式教学模式的概念,提出了生生互动、师生互动、人机互动等交互形式在课堂教学实践中的具体运用,并给出了相关的教学建议。
6)teaching grammar教学语法
1.Inheriting the "Sentence-oriented" principle from Li Jinxi, Shi Cunzhi had a very high opinion of the method of sentence analysis,and insisted to improve the system of Chinese teaching grammar.史存直先生传承黎锦熙先生的“句本位”原则,推崇句子成分分析法,坚持并完善了汉语教学语法体系。
2.Many grammarians have contributed a lot to the teaching grammar of Chinese teaching as a foreign language.关于对外汉语教学语法问题,很多专家有过精辟的、很有成就的研究,本文拟在前贤研究的基础上,在符合对外汉语教学原则、科学地确定教学内容的基础上,再来集中地探讨一下关于对外汉语教学语法的层级划分、项目排序等一些原则和方法问题。
3.The paper analyzes the shortcoming of phrase classification of the teaching grammar system of middle schools.本文分析了现行中学教学语法系统在短语分类上存在的一些不足 ,强调分类标准应该统一 ,并从内部成分结合程度、结构、功能、层次等角度探讨了短语的分类。

《黑人和马尔加什法语新诗选》  由塞内加尔诗人桑戈尔编辑的黑人诗选,于1948年出版。法国作家萨特为这部诗选写了长序《黑肤的奥尔甫斯》(一译《黑歌手》)。他借用希腊神话中优秀的音乐家奥尔甫斯的形象歌颂黑人和马达加斯加诗人。他把黑人的处境和白人无产阶级的处境作了对比,指出他们都是资本主义社会的被摧残者和被剥削者。他还宣称"法语的黑人诗歌是当今唯一伟大的革命诗歌"。这篇序文被译成英文,在美国黑人中引起强烈的反响。从此"黑肤的奥尔甫斯"成了黑人诗人的代用词,1957年在尼日利亚出版的一种黑人文艺期刊也采用了这个名词作为刊名。    《黑人和马尔加什法语新诗选》介绍了16个黑人诗人的 100多首诗篇,每个作家都附有小传。但是大部分诗人属于安的列斯群岛,真正属于非洲的只有塞内加尔的比拉戈·狄奥普、桑戈尔、戴维·狄奥普等 3个诗人, 以及马达加斯加的让-约瑟夫·拉伯亚利维洛、雅克·拉贝马南雅拉和弗拉维安·拉奈沃等3个诗人。从此,这种黑非洲法语文学不再从属于法国文学的范畴,而是直接进入了世界文艺的宝库。