1.On the assimilation and use of loanwords and protection of national languages——A comparison of relations between English,Russian and Chinese languages and loanwords;外来语的吸收和使用与民族语言的保护——英、俄、汉语与外来语的关系比较
2.It analyzes the social, legal and philosophical roots of the coexist ence of native language and loanwords in legal expressions.在对汉语、英语和日语大量法律语料(主要涉及立法语言中的词汇)进行实证分析基础上,分析了法律语言中本族语与外来语共存的社会根源、法学根源及哲学根源。
3.The pragmatic variations from loanwords are not only the creation but also the development of the Chinese language system.外来语对现代汉语词汇影响引起的语用变异既是对汉语语言体系的创新和突破,又是对汉语语言体系的丰富和发展。

1.On Loanwords in Japanese From European Languages Other Than English;来自英语以外的西欧语的日语外来语
2.Tea is a Borrowed word from Chinese.茶这个词是来自汉语的外来语
3.A Brief Analysis of the Loan Words in English;浅析英语中外来语的来源、成因及影响
4.An Analysis on the Cultural Differences and Similarities of the Loanwords in Chinese and Korean;试析汉语与韩语中外来语的文化异同
5.Translating English Idioms, Allusions and Alien Words;浅谈英语习语、典故和外来语的翻译
6.Reasons for Foreign Words Overusing in Japan from Classification Perspective;从外来语的分类谈外来语在日本泛滥之缘由
7.Reflect the Characteristic for Japan to Assimilate Foreign Cultures by Loan Words in Japanese由日语外来语透析日本吸收外来文化特征
8.Japanese glossary has three kinds of origins.日语的词汇有“和语”、汉语、外来语三种词汇。
9.On Naturalization of Loanwords in Japanese -With Conjugation and Inflection in Focus;论外来语的日语化——以语法的日语化为中心
10.Many foreign words have passed into the English language.有很多外来语已成为英语的一部分.
11.They would like to prevent foreign words being imported into their languages.他们想阻止外来语对其本族语的侵入。
12.A Brief Analysis of the Cause and Influence of the Formation of Japanese Loanwords;浅谈日语外来语形成的原因及其影响
13.The Derivation and Pragmatics Features of the Borrowed Words from Japanese and Chinese in English;英语中日语、汉语外来词来源及其语用特点研究
14.Language: Malay is the official language; Chinese and English is widely used.语言:马来语为国语,另外汉语和英语也广为使用。
15.On the New Morphemes in the New Transliterations;新词语外来音译词带来的新语素考察
16.8 Besides Mandarin, he can speak English and Malay.除了华语之外,他还会讲英语和马来语.
17.The Study on the Modern English Loanwords in the Chinese Context;新时期汉语语境下的英语外来词研究
18.Der Einfluss von der fremden Kultur-Die Charakteristik der Fremdwrter in der deutschen Sprache;外来文化的影响——德语外来词的特征

loan words外来语
1.This paper analyzes the usage of (Grice s) "Cooperative Principle" and its four maxims in the translation of the loan words.语用学是研究人们交际过程中语言使用与理解的学问,而翻译本身也是一个交际过程,在此理论基础上分析了格赖斯的"合作原则"对于外来语翻译的适应性,提出可以将语用学理论用于翻译研究与翻译实践之中。
2.Based on the principles of cognitive linguistics,this paper elaborates on iconicity applied in the translation of English loan words.从认知语言学的角度出发,通过对象似性原则的阐述,分析英语外来语的汉译方法的心理可接受性。
1.The special function of loanwords in English Rhetoric;外来语在英语修辞中的特殊功能
2.This paper, having Japanese loanwords as its researching object, mainly discussed its formation, analyzed the reasons for the phenomenon that there is a continual increase in loanwords in modern social life of Japan as well as existing problems, and then briefly introduced its current situation and developing trend.以日语外来语为研究对象,叙述了日本外来语的形成,分析了现代日本社会生活中外来语不断增加的原因及存在的问题,并对其现状与发展做一简要介绍。
4)foreign words外来语
1.Reasons for Foreign Words Overusing in Japan from Classification Perspective;从外来语的分类谈外来语在日本泛滥之缘由
2.Any language has foreign words,so does Chinese.任何语言都有外来语,汉语也不例外,随着科学技术的飞速发展,汉语中引入了大量的新的外来语
3.With the development of the Japanese society,a lot of foreign words were accepted into Japanese language,and gradually became an indispensable part of it.随着日本社会的发展,大量的外来语进入日本社会,并渐渐发展成为日本语言中不可缺少的一部分。
5)borrowed words外来语
1.Theoretical research into and standardization of borrowed words;外来语的理论研究和规范问题
2.This article classifies loss in borrowed words translation,analyses its course of change,and gives a tentative prediction of its future.当今全球一体化趋势明显,不同文化、语言之间进行着规模空前的交流和沟通,大量的外来语进入中文,而且第一次出现了外来语以字母形式直接进入汉语的情况。
3.The borrowed words of both English and Japanese make up respectively more than half of the total vocabulary of their own language, whereas in Chinese the borrowed words only constitute a minor part.外来语的产生不仅是单纯的语言现象 ,也是一种社会和文化现象。
6)loan word外来语
1.Comparative study on Japanese and Chinese loan words;日语与汉语的外来语比较
