折中教学法,eclectic teaching approach
1)eclectic teaching approach折中教学法
1.Based on the study of,"the comprehensive teaching mode" based on "eclectic teaching approach" is a new teaching mode,which combines the advantages of various teaching approaches.以“折中教学法”为基础的“综合教学模式”,是将各种教学法的优势结合起来的一种新的教学模式。
2.On the basis of the discussion,it finally concludes that the eclectic teaching approach,among others,is the best teaching method available for foreign langu.折中教学法是一种博采众家之长,避免各派之短的多元性、综合性的教学方法。
3.The paper argues that teacher-student relationship in eclectic teaching approach should be changeable as teaching activities change.教学中师生所处的地位问题是外语教学的基本问题,根据对这个基本问题的回答可以把林林总总的外语教学法划分为三大阵营:传统教学法、交际教学法和折中教学法

1.Application of Eclectic Teaching Approach in the Teaching of English Listening;浅谈折中教学法在英语听力教学中的应用
2.The Eclectic Approach--An Approach towards the Improvement of Comprehensive English Teaching;折中教学法——走向综合英语教学质量的提高
4.The Application of Optimized Eclectic Approach to Primary School English Teaching;优化折衷教学法在小学英语教学中的应用
5.An Eclectic Approach to the Teaching of English for Secretary in a Vocational School;折衷教学法在中专涉外秘书英语教学中的应用
6.The Application of an Eclectic Interaction Approach to English Teaching in the Senior High School;折衷式互动教学方法在高中英语教学中的应用
7.Application of the Eclectic Approach in the Teaching of College English折中主义教学法在英语专业教学中的具体应用
8.Eclecticism in English Language Teaching in Technical Colleges;折衷法在英语教学中的应用(英文)
9.The Connotation of Eclecticism Teaching Method and Its Application“折中主义”教学法的含义及其实施策略
10.Application of Eclectic Methodology in Teaching of Integrated English Course“折衷主义教学法”在综合英语课程教学中的应用
11.On the Eclectic Methodology of English Course in College;大学英语综合教程的折衷主义教学法
12.Talking about How to Train the Ability of Anti-Frustrate in the High School's Physical Education谈体育教学中学生抗挫折能力的培养
13.Application of Theoretical Eclecticism in the Teaching of Table Tennis折中主义理论在乒乓球教学中的运用
14.Principled Eclecticism in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中有原理的折衷主义教学
15.On Anti-frustration Education in College Students’ Employment Guidence;大学生就业指导中的“抗挫折”教育
16.The necessary of frustrat education to student;论对中小学生加强挫折教育的必要性
17.The Sample Research of the Approaches of Frustrate Education in Physical Education Applying in Adult Higher Education;试论成教体育教学中实施挫折教育的途径
18.Enhance Education of Reverses the College Students in "Two courses" Teaching;“两课”教学中要加强对学生进行挫折教育

the Eclectic Approach折中教学法
1.Although there has been much heated debate over the feasibility and effectiveness of the Eclectic Approach in practical teaching, its teaching concept of choosing from a wide range of methods and approaches i.虽然语言教学界对于折中教学法观点不一,然而其倡导的兼收并蓄、博采众长的教学理念体现了其产生的历史必然性和强大的生命力。
2.The present article focuses its attention on Comprehensive English course,which is generally considered as the most important basic course in the curriculum for English majors,and advocates the adoption of the Eclectic Approach in the teaching of the subject.以英语专业"重中之重"的综合英语教学为切入点,针对其教学现状,提出将折中教学法运用于综合英语教学,并结合自身教学改革实践,指出折中教学法以其兼收并蓄、博采众长的优势能够有效激发学生学习积极性,提高英语教学质量。
3)eclectic approach折中主义教学法
1.It is affirmed that it cannot meet English teaching situation in China with single teaching approach or method,and it is effective to apply the eclectic approach to English teaching flexibly.实践表明,单独运用任何一种教学法都难以满足我国英语教学的实际要求,因而采用折中主义教学法,并在教学过程中灵活运用就成为了可行途径。
2.Through discussing feasibility and teaching application of the eclectic approach in English teaching,the paper tries to provide the new train of thought and pattern.文章探讨了折中主义教学法在英语教学中的可行性,并结合《现代大学英语》阐述了它在课堂教学中的具体应用以及取得的成效,以便为英语课堂教学提供新的思路和模式。
4)On Eclectic Methodology折中教学法之我见
5)eclecticism in language teaching折中式教学
6)eclectic teaching method折中主义的课堂教学方法
1.This paper discusses how to deal with the exercises with the use of eclectic teaching methods and the author s several years teaching experience so as to help students develop their communicative competence and abilities to use language.《大学英语》(全新版)《综合教程》是一套具有新颖练习形式的教材,文章结合教学实践,对《大学英语》(全新版)《综合教程》课后练习的处理方法进行了探讨,采用折中主义的课堂教学方法,以学生为中心,又充分发挥教师的作用,发挥课后练习的积极作用,从而提高学生的综合语言应用能力。
2.This paper discusses how to adopt eclectic teaching methods in teaching Integrated Course so as to help students develop their communicative competence and abilities to use language.本文结合笔者一年多的课堂教学实践,对《大学英语》(全新版)《综合教程》的课堂教学进行了探讨,认为应该集多种不同的教学法之长,采用折中主义的课堂教学方法,提倡教师精讲和学生多练,以学生为中心,但又主张充分发挥教师的作用,从而提高学生的综合语言应用能力。

案例教学法案例教学法,即运用社会或身边发生的事例激发学生学习兴趣,说明道理,给学生的行为以启发的教学模式其操作流程为 "以例激趣——以例说理——以例导行"