关联域,Register of Relevance
1)Register of Relevance关联域
1.An Analysis of Illogical Renderings from the "Register of Relevance";从“关联域”的角度分析翻译中的逻辑矛盾
2.An Analysis of the Cultural Loss in Cultural Image Renderings Through the Register of Relevance;从关联域视角分析文化意象翻译中的文化亏损

1.Relevant Register and Relevant Body:an Application in Translation of Puns关联域与关联体:“双关”理论下的双关语翻译
2.A Study of Chinese Extensively-used Kinship Addressing Terms and Its Translation from Relevance-theory Perspective;关联域角下汉语拟亲属称谓语的翻译
3.There exists a universal connection between ideology and thought.意识形态与思想之间存在着一个普遍的关联域
4.kinematically coherent fluid regio运动学关联流体区域
5.Analysis of the Correlativity between Regional Logistics Demand and Regional Economy区域物流需求与区域经济的关联性分析
6.An area of the stack associated with a particular function call.一个关联特殊函数调用的堆栈区域。
7.On Joint Exploration of Regional Tourism;关于对区域旅游联合开发的几点思考
8.Relations between the Countries Names of Various Nationalities in the Western Regions and the National Names of Northeast Asia;西域族国名与东北亚族名之关联(上)
9.Data association algorithm of multiple non-overlapping cameras无重叠视域多摄像机的数据关联算法
10.The application of Apriori algorithm in the area of boolean association rulesApriori算法在布尔型关联规则领域的应用
11.Experimental Testing of Time-domain Quantum Correlation of EPR Entangled BeamsEPR纠缠光束时域量子关联的实验验证
12.The Interior Corelation of North-East Yangko and North-East Regional Culture东北秧歌与东北地域文化的内在关联
13.The Method to Construct Elementary Dependent Function Based on Infinite Interval正域为无限区间的初等关联函数构造
14.Regional Seminar on an Interlinked Country Model System关于相互关联国家模式系统的区域讨论会
15.Study of the Relationships between Joint Mechanism of the Region Innovation Network Main-body and Region Innovation Achievements;区域创新网络主体间的联结机制与区域创新绩效的关系研究
16.Correlative and empirical research for eco-economic level and regional competence of each region in China;中国区域生态经济水平与区域竞争力的关联性与实证研究
17.A Study on Correlation Analysis and Measurement of the Regional Innovation between Capability and Efficiency区域创新能力与区域创新效率关联性分析及测度研究
18.Spatial autocorrelation of regional economy and dynamic evolution in Tarim River Basin during the last 25 years近25年来塔里木河流域区域经济空间关联及演化特征分析

regional interrelation地域关联
3)interrelated region关联区域
1.This article,based on the mode of analysis on competitive environment of porter,who is the famous scholar of American,has built up the basic framework of analysis on competitive environment of tourism industry in interrelated region.本文以美国著名学者波特的竞争环境分析模型为理论基础,结合旅游产业自身的特点,建立了关联区域旅游产业竞争环境分析的基本框架,对关联区域旅游产业竞争的现状进行了分析,并对区域旅游产业如何在竞争中取得竞争优势提出了策略。
4)Relationship of version domain域间关联
5)Region joint区域关联
6)interconnecting parameter regions关联参数域
