法律言语行为,legal speech acts
1)legal speech acts法律言语行为
1.The object of inquiry of the present study is the legal speech acts as realized in Chinese legal discourses.本文的研究对象是汉语法律语篇中的法律言语行为
2.Therefore, based on the speech act theory, the thesis intends to study the speech acts in English legal texts, including legislative texts, judicial texts and other legal texts, which are called legal speech acts, since they are of legal effects.基于此种现象,本文借助语用学中的言语行为理论,以英语立法语篇、司法语篇及其他法律语篇为素材,探讨英语法律语篇中的言语行为,即英语法律言语行为
3.The object of inquiry of the present paper is the legal speech acts as realized in English legal discourses.本文的研究对象是英语立法语篇中的法律言语行为
2)Legislative Speech Acts立法言语行为
3)speech act言语行为
1.On the speech act of criticism under the Chinese context;汉语语境下批评言语行为研究
2.Research on cultural implication of polite speech act;礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究
3.A critical analysis of the responses to the speech act of apology in Chinese;论汉语道歉言语行为的回应

1.An Analysis of the Verbal Action Involving Objectivity of News Language;新闻语言客观性问题的言语行为分析
2.A Study of Legal Language Based on the Theory of “Speech Act”;基于“言语行为分析”的法律语言研究
3.Delocutive verbs in Chinese;从言语到言语行为——试谈一类词义演变
4.Indirect directives and their inspiration to communicative strategies指令类间接言语行为及言语交际策略
5.Cross-cultural Study on the Differences in Chinese and English Speech Acts中英语言言语行为差异的跨文化研究
6.the speech act of contradicting someone.否定某人的言语行为
7.Pragmalinguistic Awareness and Pragmalinguistic Competence: A Survey of EFL Learners Request Speech Acts;从“请求”言语行为看二语语用语言意识与语用语言能力
8.A Pragmatic Study of English Apologies in Netspeak;英语网络语言道歉性言语行为的语用研究
9.A Pragmalinguistic Analysis of the Speech Act Fundraising;募捐言语行为:募捐语的语言、语用学研究
10.Rhetoric is a kind of speech act whose aim is communication.修辞是言语行为,言语行为的目的是交流。
11.The Correspondence of S-Sets with A-Sets in Speech Acts;言语行为中句子集合与言语行为集合的匹配
12.The Speaker s Intention and the Process of Utterance Behavior;言语行为主体意向和言语行为过程刍议
13.Pragmatic Instruction in Chinese College English Classes: Requests;中国大学英语语用教学:请求言语行为
14.Analysis on English Apologies from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory;言语行为理论中英语道歉的语用分析
15.offensive remarks, language, behaviour无礼的言语、 语言、 行为
16.opprobrious language, remarks, deeds辱骂的语言、 言语、 行为.
17.Ethnolinguistic Vitality, Language and Cultural Attitude and Language Behavior;民族语言活力、语言态度、文化态度以及语言行为
18.a hateful person,remark, deed可恶的人、 言语、 行为

Legislative Speech Acts立法言语行为
3)speech act言语行为
1.On the speech act of criticism under the Chinese context;汉语语境下批评言语行为研究
2.Research on cultural implication of polite speech act;礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究
3.A critical analysis of the responses to the speech act of apology in Chinese;论汉语道歉言语行为的回应
4)speech acts言语行为
1.A New Way to Understand Speech Acts: "Do Things with Words" in Virtual Reality;言语行为新解——试析在虚拟现实中“用语言做事”
2.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略
3.A Contrastive Analysis of the Speech Acts of Complimenting in American English and Chinese;中英恭维言语行为对比分析
5)speech act语言行为
1.Mood,modality and speech act in modern English;现代英语中的语气、情态和语言行为
2.he gender difference of speech act is discussed from the perspective of language structure and use level with language and pragmatic theory.文章从语言结构层次和语言使用层面出发,基于语言本体及语用视角,对语言的性别化差异进行全面探讨,多层次的呈现男性和女性语言行为的差别,并试图从生理因素、角色定位、社会地位三方面分析造成这些差异的原因。
3.He concludes and criticizes three theories of meaning in analytical philosophy,that is,Grice’s intentional semantics,Frege’s truth semantics and Wittgenstein and Searle’s speech act theory,holding the universification of efficiency.他认为,语言行为不仅能行事,而且可以作为其它行为协调机制,而言说者是提出怎样的有效性要求、如何提出的有效性要求以及为什么会提出有效性要求的,是其交往行为理论的核心内容。
6)language performance语言行为

说谎者非言语行为说谎者非言语行为nonverbal behavior of a liar 说谎者非言语行为(nonverbal behaviorof a liar)谎言心理学研究指出,说谎者的非言语行为一般具有下列特点:(l)音调较高。(2)姿态缺乏热情。(3)讲话速率较慢。(4)体位距他人不够紧密。(5)目光接触较少。(6)姿势变换较多(以手托腮、撕扯指甲、脚无端地踢来踢去等等)。(7)口误较多。(8)点头次数较少。(9)表情持续时间过长(如人们微笑和惊诧的表情一般只维持4一5秒,时间过长则可能是假装的)、过分夸张、面部表情与手势不同步(如先拍桌子、然后才板起脸)等等。说谎者的非言语行为被称为“泄露线索”,它有助于人们识别说谎者。 (林向前撰{巫国审)