文化习得,culture acquisition
1)culture acquisition文化习得
1.Language and culture evolve together, therefore, culture acquisition is a part of EFL acquisition.语言与文化是不可分割的,因此,文化习得也是语言习得的一部分。
2.This paper attempts to study the functions that group presentation performs on culture acquisition in college English intensive-reading classes.依据此理论,本文试图研究学生小组课堂展示这种新方法对促进大学生英语精读课文化习得的作用。
3.The process of language acquisition is also the process of culture acquisition.语言习得过程亦是文化习得过程。

1.Culture Acquisition and Language Acquisition: Intercultural Perspectives of Foreign Language Teaching (FLT);文化习得与语言习得:跨文化的外语教学观
2.An Analysis of the Obstacles in Chinese Cultural Acquisition and the Countermeasures谈汉语习得者文化习得的障碍及应对措施
3.Language Acquisition and Culture Acquisition--Analyzing the Deficiency of Culture Teaching in Foreign Language Teaching;语言习得与文化习得——浅析外语教学中文化教学缺失现象
4.Second Culture Acquisition and Its Implications for Intercultural Communication;第二文化习得及其对跨文化交际的启示
5.A Conceptualization of Cultural Interdependence in Second Culture Acquisition;第二文化习得的文化间相互依存关系考察
6.Culture Acquisition and Intercultural Communication in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中的文化习得和跨文化交际
7.The Theory of Second Culture Acquisition and an Intercultural Approach to FLT;“第二文化习得”理论与跨文化的外语教学观
8.English Pragmatic Failure and Cultural Acquisition;英语语用失误与文化习得能力的培养
9.Reflections on Cultural Acquisition in Foreign Language Teaching;关于外语教学中文化习得问题的反思
10.A Study of Second Culture Acquisition and Its Implications for FLT;第二文化习得理论研究及其对外语教学的启示
11.A Philosophical Approach to English Cultural Acquisition at Senior School;关于目前高中阶段文化习得问题的探讨
12.Sociocultural Theory and Sociocultural Perspective of Second Language Acquisition;社会文化理论及二语习得研究的社会文化视角
13.On the influence of the language learning in Korean;韩国语言文化对二语习得听力的影响
14.Discourse Markers’ Acquisition and Misusing in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中话语标记的习得与误用
15.French Lessons: Language Acquisition, Cultural Identity and Autobiography;《法语课》——语言习得、文化身份和自传素材
16.which varies from culture to culture.习得的身势语在不同的文化中各不相同。
17.In order to study theory they must first acquire an elementary education.为了学习理论,他们先得具备基本文化水平。
18.The Introduction and Acquisition of Foreign Cultures in Teaching Reading of English at Senior School;高中英语阅读教学中的文化导入与习得

cultural acquisition文化习得
1.By analyzing two types of English pragmatic failure and the causes of English pragmatic failure,this paper attaches importance to cultural instruction and tries to explore possible ways to promote students cultural acquisition ability and their sensitivity to pragmatic failure to improve their communicative competence and to help them avoid unnecessary failure in communication.从语用学的角度阐述英语语用失误的两种主要类型及其产生的原因,以期在注重语言知识的同时,加强文化知识的导入,培养文化习得能力,从而增强对与以英语为本族语者交谈时的语用失误的敏感,提高交际能力,避免产生不必要的交际失当和交际误解。
2.What cultural acquisition has to do is to help the learner recognize the limitations of any particular cultures, including both the learner s own culture and the culture(s) of the native target language speakers, and learn to be able to negotiate with people from .在跨文化交际大背景下反思外语教学中的文化习得问题,我们有必要认识到,外语教学涉及的文化不只限于目的语文化,但也不可能承载太多不同文化的内容。
3)cultural acquisition mode文化习得方式
4)second culture acquisition第二文化习得
1.This paper tries to describe the model of second culture acquisition,based on which an intercultural approach to foreign language teaching(FLT) is proposed.通过进行“第二文化习得”的实证研究发现,外语学习者语言成绩的高低并不能反映其跨文化能力的强弱,外语技能水平高的学习者的跨文化能力不一定强,外语学习者的跨文化能力不一定会随着外语技能水平的提高而自然而然地提高。
2.This thesis reports an empirical study concerning students’second culture acquisition (SCA) and the current state of culture teaching in foreign language teaching.要从根本上解决这个问题,首先必须确立其理论基础,必须找到以下两个关键的基础性理论问题的答案:第二文化习得在习得者身上究竟体现为怎样一种过程;第二文化习得和第二语言习得之间存在着怎样的动态关系。
5)acquisition of alien culture外来文化习得
1.In the light of applied linguistics and the current situation regarding the foreign language teaching in China, a pair of new concepts "acquisition of foreign language" and "acquisition of alien culture" are offered hereto in contrast with the "acquisition of second language" and "acquisition of second culture".从应用语言学的角度,根据中国外语教学的现实情况,提出了与其他学者的“第二语言习得”和“第二文化习得”相对的外语习得和外来文化习得概念,分析了这二种概念的共同性和差异性,以及这二个概念在应用语言学上互为依存的关系;还着重分析了我国外语教学领域存在的语言、文化“二分”状态,以及如何提高教学水平的理想模式。
6)culture introduction and acquisition文化导入与习得

焦虑习得反应理论焦虑习得反应理论learned response theory of anxiety  焦虑习得反应理论(learned respo”setheory of anxiety)焦虑的一种理论模式。此理论将重点不是放到个体的内心冲突上,而是着重阐述个体如何通过学习的历程将焦虑同某种情境联系起来。根据这个理论,焦虑是一种习得的反应。某种情境引起创伤性体验,这会使得一些人将两者联系起来;此后每当想到此情境或刺激时便立刻焦虑起来。由此可见,这是一种条件反射式的学习历程,焦虑是一种条件反应。有时候,人们采用逃避或回避的方式借以减少焦虑,即逃离或事先避开所怕的刺激情境。逃避和回避减少了焦虑体验,焦虑体验的减少反过来又强化逃避和回避行动。这样一来,焦虑者就没有机会来细心探查原先的那个刺激情境是否真的值得焦虑,是否有什么办法对付它。一些成年人一直回避那些在其童年时代诱发过焦虑的情境或刺激物,这种童年期习得的焦虑很难消退,其原因便是回避行为。这一理论得到一些临床观察的支持,对焦虑症的治疗有指导意义。 (梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)