陨石坑,meteorite crater
1)meteorite crater陨石坑
1.One great meteorite crater was found in Cangshan region,Shandong Province,and main impact evidences are obtained from macroscopical geologic features,local region characters and so on.山东苍山地区发现一大型陨石坑,通过大量的勘察工作,目前已找到一些重要的证据。

1.Barringer crater is 1.2km in diameter.巴林杰陨石坑的直径有1.2千米。
2.Mercury is covered in craters - hollows made by huge space rocks crashing into it.水星的表面有许多陨石坑,这些坑是由巨大的太空岩石撞击而成的。
3.To infer, the Guangzhou city belongs to the spread area of probable meteorite craters.据此推测,广州市区属疑似陨石坑分布区。
4.Explanation: What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters?( 说明:土卫七奇异的陨石坑底,到底藏了些什麽?
5.What caused this unusual looking crater floor on Mars?火星这个奇特的陨石坑底到底是怎麽形成的?
6.Crater Region Detection Based on Census Transform and Boosting基于Census变换和Boosting方法的陨石坑区域检测
7.It is about7000 million years old measured by isotope geological method.假如该坑与上述三个陨石坑是同一系列的外来天体撞击地球事件。
8.Massive meteorite strikes continued for hundreds of millions of years, some blasting craters more than1,000 kilometers in diameter.巨大陨石的撞击持续了几亿年,有些撞击所产生的陨石坑,直径超过1000公里。
9.Instead debris would fall back into the depression, cover the initial crater and act as a blanket, retarding heat loss.碎屑反而会掉回陨石坑内,像层毯子般使失热速率减缓。
10.Successive impacts would create a large number of metamorphosed regions in the vicinity of craters.连续的撞击会在陨石坑附近,造成很多变质的区域。
11.There is no giant crater and no deposits have been found reflecting a huge tidal wave.没有找到巨大的陨石坑,也未发现能反映特大潮汐波的沉积物。
12.Some of the water ponded in the crater, forming the layers of hematite-bearing sediments.一部份的水在陨石坑里形成水塘,造成一层层含有赤铁矿的沉积物。
13.The age of each flow can then be determined by measuring its density of impact craters.岩浆流的个别年龄可以藉测量其撞击陨石坑的密度而决定。
14.John Westfall discovered that the crater in the study had existed before 1953.约翰?威斯特福尔发现,被研究的陨石坑1953年以前就已存在。
15.In other words, what Leon Stuart saw could not have caused it.换句话说,利昂?斯图亚特看到的闪光并不是形成陨石坑的原因。
16.Mr. Westfall also told that the crater is not in the place where Leon Stuart had seen the light.威斯特福尔还说,陨石坑的位置不在利昂?斯图亚特看到闪光的地方。
17.So there are many other probable meteorite craters, but need further more investigations and verification.因而,地图上还有许多疑似陨石坑的地貌构造,还须进一步调查求证。
18.Geologists agree that the Sudbury impactor was at least eight kilometers( about five miles) across.地质学家同意,造成陨石坑的外太空撞击物,直径至少八公里。

Chicxulub craterChicxulub陨石坑
3)meteoritic crater lake陨石坑湖
4)fossil meteorite crater古陨石坑
5)Baisha crater白沙陨石坑
6)crater detection陨石坑检测
1.The applica- tion field of crater detection algorithm ranges from estimation of planetary surface age to autonomous landing on planets and advanced statistical analyses.文章可分为以下三个部分:首先简要介绍了陨石坑候选区域搜索方法,同时给出了陨石坑候选区域搜索的标准;其次,给出了陨石坑候选区域图像预处理方法,其目的是提取出陨石坑的边缘信息;最后,介绍了基于弦中点Hough变换的原理及陨石坑检测的过程,分析了伪中心点产生的原因,提出了基于中心点累加器连通域最大值的中心点确定方法。
