斑鬣狗,Crocuta crocuta
1)Crocuta crocuta斑鬣狗
1.Ancient DNA Analyses of the Spotted Hyena(Crocuta crocuta) from Lingxian Cave,Qinhuangdao,Hebei Province河北秦皇岛灵仙洞斑鬣狗化石的古DNA初步分析

1.Ancient DNA Analyses of the Spotted Hyena(Crocuta crocuta) from Lingxian Cave,Qinhuangdao,Hebei Province河北秦皇岛灵仙洞斑鬣狗化石的古DNA初步分析
2.And 'yenas -- 'e definitely called 'em 'yenas.还叫鬣狗——他真的叫他们鬣狗。
3.African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.非洲鬣狗,以其特别的嚎叫而闻名。
4.At this place elephants, leopards and hyenas roamed about as well as the gorillas.这地方除大猩猩外,还有象、豹和鬣狗出没。
5.Our herds have lots of predators like5) hyenas, lions, and6) leopards.我们的牧群有许多天敌,如鬣狗、子和美洲豹。
6.Yet, in spite of its awkward, slouching gait, the hyena can run surprisingly quickly.鬣狗的步履笨拙,懒散,然而跑起来速度惊人。
7.“An alpha female,” Dr. Holekamp said, “can waltz into any kill and eat as much she wants.”“居于第一的母鬣狗,”哈勒开普博士说,“可以轻易得到猎物并随意享受。”
8.The hyena's public image is not aided by its ridiculous appearance.鬣狗滑稽的外表无助于改善它在公众心中的形象。
9.Any of various predatory, flesh - eating mammals of the order Carnivora, including the dogs, cats, bears, weasels, hyenas, and raccoons.食肉动物食肉目各种食肉性哺乳动物的一种,包括狗、猫、熊、鼬、鬣狗以及浣熊
10."The savanna is also the home of meat-eaters - the lion, leopard, and hyena - who feed on the grass-eaters."热带草原也是食肉动物——狮子、豹子和鬣狗的家园,食草动物就是它们的美餐。
11.The savanna is also the home of meat-eaters -- the lion, leopard, and hyena-- who feed on the grasseaters.大草原也是食肉动物的家乡--狮子、豹、鬣狗--它们都是以草食动物维持生命的。
12.Stable groups and the presence of the stallion also help to fend off predators such as wolves, lions and hyenas.有种马存在的稳定群体,也较能防御掠食动物如狮子、狼和鬣狗的攻击。
13.bovid related to goats but having antelope-like features: mountain goats; gorals; serows; chamois; gnu goats.与山羊有关的牛科动物,外形象羚羊;石山羊;喜马拉雅斑羚;鬣羚;岩羚羊;扭角羚。
14.In the nature, most male animal ratio pantheress animals are all beautiful, for example the Cape of the" mane" hair, hart and the rich in hues feather of the male peacock of the male lion.自然界中,大多数雄性动物比雌性动物都漂亮,比如雄狮的“鬣”毛、鹿的角和雄孔雀的斑斓羽毛。
15.Billy liked the little white puppy with black spots, Spotty.比利喜欢那只身上有黑点的白色的小狗,斑点狗。
16.Spaniels and Pointers are the most popular of another type of working dog-the gun dog.西班牙狗和斑点狗是最受欢迎的另一类的役用犬:枪狗。
17.a brown-spotted dalmatian.有褐色斑点的达尔马提亚狗。
18.The dog is white with brown splashes.狗一身白毛,夹有棕色的斑块。

1.Three species of the family Hyaenidae(Mammalia:Carnivora)from cave or fissure fill- ings near Huainan,Anhui Province,are described.Adcrocuta eximia为欧亚大陆晚中新世的特有种,为鬣狗科中朝食骨方向演化的类群;体型和前臼齿主尖与晚中新世较原始的属种(如Hyaeni。
4)Parahyaena brunnea [brown hyena]棕鬣狗
5)Esox lucius白斑狗鱼
1.Effects of Different Temperature and pH on Digestive Enzyme Activities in Esox lucius;温度和pH对白斑狗鱼消化酶活性的影响
2.Studies on the pathogen and histopathology of septicemia in Esox lucius;白斑狗鱼“败血症”病原及组织病理研究
3.The study on chromosomes of white spot pike(Esox lucius);新疆额尔齐斯河流域白斑狗鱼的染色体核型分析
6)Esox lucius Linnaeus白斑狗鱼
1.Individual Fecundity of Esox lucius Linnaeus in the Ertixche River;额尔齐斯河白斑狗鱼的个体繁殖力
2.Research of Esox lucius linnaeus biology in the Ulungur Lake;乌伦古湖白斑狗鱼的生物学研究
3.Esox lucius linnaeus lives mostly in Arctic Ocean and North America and is mainly living in Alertai in the north of Xinjiang, China.作者于1995年11月在新疆额尔其斯河水系进行了调查,首次测试了白斑狗鱼血液生理、生化常值和血液流变学常值。
