秋季倾泻,fall dump
1)fall dump秋季倾泻
1.Comparison of Therapeutic Effects on Children Diarrhea Treated with Smecta and Interferon;思密达联合干扰素治疗小儿秋季腹泻的临床疗效研究
2.Effects of Combined Treatment about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine on Children Diarrhea;中西医结合治疗小儿秋季腹泻的疗效观察
3.The Second Shuiliao Decoction for children diarrhea:an observation of 50 cases;水疗2号方生态水疗法治疗小儿秋季腹泻50例临床观察

1.Treating 90 Cases of Pediatric Autumn Diarrhea with Combined TCM and Western Medicine Therapy中西医结合治疗小儿秋季腹泻90例
2.Observation and Nursing of Children with Autumn Diarrhea Treated with Cimetidine西米替丁治疗秋季腹泻的观察与护理
3.Rotavirus Enteritis Examination in Children with Acute Diarrhea门诊儿童秋季腹泻病的轮状病毒检测
4.Nursing experience of treating infant diarrhea of fall through clysis with Simida思密达灌肠应用于婴幼儿秋季腹泻的护理体会
5.Studies on the etiology of autumnal infantile diarrhea ia Hefei合肥地区婴幼儿秋季腹泻的病原学研究
6.The Affiliated Hospital Anhui Medical CIliege Clinical analysis of 54 cases of iafantile autumn diarrhea.婴幼儿秋季腹泻54例临床分析及病原学探讨
7.The report of 65 examples about using alleviates fever dispels for the spleen to treat the young child autumn diarrhoea;清热祛湿健脾法治疗小儿秋季腹泻65例
8.Clinical Observations on Curative Effects of Licorzinc Particles in Adjuvant Treating Rotavirus Enteritis甘草锌辅佐治疗小儿秋季腹泻的疗效观察
9.The Child Rotavirus Entoritis Treated in Pueraria-Scutedaria-Coptidis Decontion葛根黄芩黄连汤加减治疗小儿秋季腹泻
10.Clinical observation and nursing care on infantile autumn diarrhea with the treatment of smecta enema思密达灌肠治疗小儿秋季腹泻的临床观察和护理
11.Efficacy of Xiyanping combined with anisodamine in treatment of 80 autumn dairrhea patients喜炎平联合山莨菪碱治疗秋季腹泻80例疗效观察
12.The nursing effect of evidence-based nursing for 264 cases of infantile diarrhea in autumn循证护理应用于婴幼儿秋季腹泻264例的护理效果观察
13.Clinical observation on Bifidobacterium tetravaccine tablets(live) in treatment of infantile autumnal diarrhea双岐杆菌四联活菌片治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻的临床研究
14.Observing the Effect of Tetralogy of Viable Bifidobacterium Tablets Combined Montmorillonite Powder on Infant Autumn Diarrhea双歧杆菌四联活菌片联合蒙脱石散治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻疗效观察
15.Genotypes of Infantile Diarrhea with Rotavirus from Autumn to Winter in 2006;2006年秋冬季腹泻患儿轮状病毒基因型研究
16.The Causation of Weanling Pigs and the Preventive in Outdoor Pig Keeping Systems in Autumn and Winter秋冬季节农村散养断奶仔猪腹泻原因与对措
17.The Clinical Analysis of 70 Cases about the Treatment of Infantile Diarrhea in Autumn and Wintor with Chinese Tang Jianwei only to Vent自拟健胃止泻汤治疗婴幼儿秋冬季腹泻病70例临床分析
18.Study on Rotavirus Molecular Epidemiologic Features among 100 Infants with Diarrhea from September to December in 2002;2002年100例秋冬季腹泻患儿轮状病毒分子流行特征的研究

1.Comparison of Therapeutic Effects on Children Diarrhea Treated with Smecta and Interferon;思密达联合干扰素治疗小儿秋季腹泻的临床疗效研究
2.Effects of Combined Treatment about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine on Children Diarrhea;中西医结合治疗小儿秋季腹泻的疗效观察
3.The Second Shuiliao Decoction for children diarrhea:an observation of 50 cases;水疗2号方生态水疗法治疗小儿秋季腹泻50例临床观察
3)autumn diarrhea秋季腹泻
1.Observation on α-2b interferon in treatment of autumn diarrhea in infants;重组人α-2b干扰素治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻98例临床观察
2.Methods Fifty infants diagnosed as autumn diarrhea were applied gancicovir at routine dosage (5~10 mg/kg·d three to five days) and its effective rate effective time and side effect were studied.目的 探索应用常规剂量更昔洛韦治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻的确切疗效和临床安全性。
3.To explore the clinical efficacy of small amount of interferon on treating child autumn diarrhea.为研究小剂量干扰素治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻临床疗效,采用分组对照方法将120例婴幼儿腹泻患儿分为两组:60例应用干扰素治疗,60例应用病毒唑治疗。
4)Rotavirus enteritis秋季腹泻
1.Effect of Moxibustion and massage as an assistant therapy to treat rotavirus enteritis of children;艾灸推拿辅助治疗小儿秋季腹泻疗效观察
5)infantile autumn diarrhea秋季腹泻
1.60 cases of treatment infantile autumn diarrhea with Smecta and folic acid;思密达和叶酸治疗小儿秋季腹泻60例
2.Objective the curative effect of treatment of infantile autumn diarrhea with Scopolamine Butylbromide injection and Smecta.目的观察丁溴东莨菪碱联合思密达治疗小儿秋季腹泻的效果。
6)autumn diarrhoea秋季腹泻
1.Treatment of autumn diarrhoea with immunoglobulin oral solution:the observation of curative effects of 20 cases;猪免疫球蛋白口服液治疗秋季腹泻20例疗效观察

秋季1.秋末。 2.一年四季的第三季﹐当农历七月至九月。