1.A Research into Strategies of Developing Ecological Tourism in Qianjiadong National Nature Reserve千家洞国家自然保护区生态旅游开发对策研究

1.A Research into Strategies of Developing Ecological Tourism in Qianjiadong National Nature Reserve千家洞国家自然保护区生态旅游开发对策研究
2.East of Qian'Ren'Shi on the rocky hillside is a cave known as Cave of Gou Jian.千人石往东的山崖上,有一石洞,名叫“勾践洞”。
3.Dunhuang Grottoes included Mogao Grottoes, Xi Qian Fo Dong, Yulin Grottoes and Xiao Qian Fo Dong at Shuixiakou.敦煌石窟包括莫高窟、西千佛洞、榆林窟和水峡口小千佛洞。
4.The stalactites in Shihua cave are of all kinds of shapes and postures that are strangely wonderful.石花洞里的钟乳石千姿百态、怪异奇绝。
5.Study of Graffiti in Uigurs Language in Cave 12, the Yulin Thousand Buddha Caves in Dunhuang Grotto敦煌榆林千佛洞第12窟回鹘文题记
6.I had heard of the Thousand Buddha Caves long before I came to Xinjiang.在到新疆之前,我早已听说过千佛洞了。
7.Talking about the Engineering Geological Condition of Spillway Tunnel of Qianian Reservoir and Its Evaluation千年水库泄洪洞工程地质条件及评价
8.New Technique of 30M Hollow Slab Integral Reinforcement of Qianjindong Large Bridge千斤洞大桥30m大空心板整体加固技术
9.The death of the speleologist is due to the infall of the cave.这位洞穴学家之死是由于地洞的塌陷。
10.At the top of the cave is a natural "sky-light"through which one can see a beautiful array of interesting-looking rocks below.洞顶有“天窗”,从天窗朝里望,洞内玲珑剔透,千奇百怪;
11.Russell Cave National Monument拉塞尔洞窟国家保护区
12.Jackson Hole National Monument杰克逊洞国家保护区
13.Jewel Cave National Monument朱厄尔洞穴国家保护区
14.It is said to be a grotto."人家说它是个石洞。”
15.eighteen hundred and seventeen thousand hovels which have but two openings, the door and one window;一百八十一万七千所有两个洞口,就是门和窗;
16.Today, some7,000 caves with 492 grottos remain extant in Dunhuang.如今,在砾岩峭壁上,有洞穴七千余处,492窟。
17.Hangzhou's West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。
18.Research in Pigments of Mural Painting of the Second and Sixth Grotto of Eastern Thousand-Buddha Cave in Gansu Province甘肃东千佛洞二窟和七窟壁画使用颜料的研究

Qianjiadong of Guangxi广西千家洞
3)Qianjiadong Nature Reserve千家洞自然保护区
1.Characters of Animal and Plant Resources of Doupangling Nature Reserve in Hunan and Qianjiadong Nature Reserve in Guangxi;都庞岭与千家洞自然保护区动植物资源特征
4)Thousand-buddha Grottoes千佛洞
1.Kuqa Thousand-buddha Grottoes mainly include Kezil,Kumutula Grottoes and others and preserve many art treasure.库车千佛洞主要包括克孜尔、库木吐拉等石窟 ,保存了大量艺术珍品 ,千佛洞均位于极旱荒漠区低山河谷高阶地上 ,洞窟前均有绿洲和流水。
5)Thousand Buddhism hole temple fair千佛洞庙会
6)top-1000 enterprises千家企业
