
1.Unless the pioneer of online retailing can provide downloadable media it risks being “disintermediated”?除非这位网上零售业的先驱可以提供可下载媒体,否则它会冒被“去中介化”的风险??
2.I make the round of real estate agent.我去各处不动产中介店
3.I make the round of real estate agents .我去各处不动产中介店。
4.Western-Orientated Cultural Value and Lin Yutang's Exportism Translation“西方文化中心主义”话语下的林语堂“送去主义”译介观
5.Properties of Novel Micro-mesoporous Composite Photocatalysis Materials for Removing Bisphenol A in Synthetic Wastewater去除水中双酚A的新型微介孔光催化材料的性能研究
6.Non-intermediary and Re-intermediary in E-commerce;电子商务环境下的非中介化和再中介化
7.You should cancel this preposition in the sentence.你应该删去句子中的这个介词。
8.(chemistry) removing iodine from.(化学)从……中去除碘。
9.From an earthquake source within an elastic medium, both types of body waves will propagate outward into the medium.这两种体波将从弹性介质中的震源出发,向外传播到介质中去。
10.Study on the Catalytic Phase Transformation of Ferrihydrite in Ammonia(Ammonium/Amine) Medium;氨(铵、胺)介质中Ferrihydrite的催化相转化研究
11.Ethic of System:"Systematization" Medium of Transformation of Ethic Resources;制度伦理:伦理资源转化的“组织化”中介
12.The Modernization of Educational Ideas of Teachers and its Transform Intermediary;教师教育理念的现代化及其转化中介
13.Aging,Mechanics of Disintermediation and the Evolution of the World Financial System老龄化、非中介化机制与金融体系变迁
14.He says there has never been any "civil war" in China, only "bandit suppression".蒋介石说中国过去没有过“内战”,只有过“剿匪”;
15.An Analysis of Interlanguage from the Perspective of Cognitive Categorization;认知范畴化视角下的中介语——试析中介语的多变性及其石化现象
16.The Governmental Conduct in the Process of China's Media Industrialization;中国媒介产业化进程中政府行为研究
17.Understanding and Transcending Cultural Stereotype Embraced in Inter-language Phenomena;中介语现象中文化定型的认识和超越
18.Cultural Dimension of Media Ecology in a Transforming China: Structure and Anomie;媒介生态的文化之维:中国媒介文化生态结构及其失范

1.But citizen journalism in blogs,the mentality of being read in the writing and the freeness,which is one of blog characteristics,lead us to think about the news facticity of blog,decentralization in blog and supervision on blog.博客中产生的“公民新闻”、博客写作的“被看”心理、博客的自由特性引发我们对新闻真实性、“去中心化”、博客监管的多种思考。
2.In order to remove all those disadvantages and put the thought of newly-curriculum to the basic-education practice,the trainer of newly-curriculum should have the consciousness of the post-modernism,such as the decentralization,i.要克服这些弊端,使新课程理念能真正落实到基础教育教学实践中,新课程培训者应具有几种具有建设性的后现代意识:去中心化意识、对话意识、建构意识和创新意识。
1.This paper introduces the concepts of decentration and community of Web2.0网站的去中心化概念和社区化模式趋势,并在此基础上进一步分析了网络社区中心重构的运行机制和一系列的社区化模式。
1.How to see the Chinese-culture and eliminating-Chinese-culture of Chinese furniture design如何看待中国家具设计的“中国化”与“去中国化”
5)midiationized world中介化
1.They are suitable only for the midiationized world and operated in the continuous time as well as the predicate of the objective not the predicate of the entity.它们只适用于中介化的世界,运行于绵延的时间之中,仅仅是对象的谓词而不是实体的谓词。
1.Based on the educational theory of multiculturalism,this paper proposes some culture teaching strategies,such as how to enhance the merging of cultures utilizing the inter-culture and how to imp.外语教学应以多元文化主义教育理念为指导,利用“中介文化”促进文化融合,运用移情提高学生的文化适应能力,从而实现表层文化向深层文化的过渡。
2.However,over-summarization or labelization of differences by stereotypes may create barriers to communication between different cultures,and form an inter-language and inter-culture which will hinder the acquisition of a second language.在第二语言学习中为了帮助不同文化的人相互了解,必然要建立各种文化定型,而这些定型对差异的过分概括或标签化又可能人为地制造屏障,妨碍文化间的交流和理解,促使中介语和中介文化的形成,从而影响第二语言的习得。
