第三种力量,The Third Force
1)The Third Force第三种力量
1.His so_call Schuman Plan not only marked the preliminary sign of France_Germany reconciliation, but also set up a new pattern for regional integration - a "supranational" integration, and was an attempt for West European countries to stand out as the Third Force beyond USA and USSR.195 0年 5月 9日法国外长罗贝尔·舒曼提出的关于建立欧洲煤钢联营的计划拉开了战后欧洲联合的序幕 :它标志着法德两国的初步和解 ;它开创了战后欧洲联合的新体制———“超国家”联合体制 ;它还是西欧国家争取成为美苏之外的“第三种力量”的初步尝试。

1.New York's Liberal Party-a powerful third force in New York politics.纽约自由党——纽约政坛上强有力的第三种力量
3.Non-governmental Organizations: The Third Power of International Legal System;非政府组织:国际法律秩序中的第三种力量
4.Market Malfunction,Government Inefficiency and the Lack of the Third Power--a Study of Small to Medium Enterprises Fund Raising Dilemma;市场失灵、政府失效与第三种力量缺失——中小企业融资困境辨析
5.From the Third Force to NATO The Change of equipollence of the Britain after the World War Ⅱ;从第三种力量到北大西洋联盟——战后初期英国均势政策的变化
6.Indian Communist Party: Constructing Tertiary Substitutive Power;印度共产党:建设“第三种替代性力量”
7.The three kinds of forces are: one, the United States, the biggest imperialist power, two, Britain and France, second-rate imperialist powers, and three, the oppressed nations.三种力量,第一种是最大的帝国主义美国,第二种是二等帝国主义英、法,第三种就是被压迫民族。
8.The Research on Public Security Administration of Special Trades: A New Model Participated by the Third Force;第三方力量参与的特种行业治安管理新模式探索
9.Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics.第一种课程大量应用量子力学。
10.To do it, we can use the third type of break-even chart, profit-volume graph.为此我们采取第三种均衡图,叫利量图。
11.The third reason was the failure to comprehend clearly the capabilities of the enemy.第三是对敌人的力量判断不正确。
12.The inner spiritual force disseminates through this inner eye.内在精神力量通过这第三只眼发散。
13.Monitors for the Middle East- What to Expect?第三方监控力量对中东意味着什么?
14.Monitors for the Middle East - What to Expect?233第三方监控力量对中东意味着什么?
15.Logistics Demand Quality as One of the Engines of 3PL Development;物流需求质量第三方物流发展的动力
16.The third force--Hongduxue in political angle of view;第三种势力——政治视角中的鸿都门学
17.A slight acquaintance with numbers will show the immensity of the first power in comparison of the second.稍微知道数的人都会知道,第一种力量比第二种力量大得多。
18.India's 15th Parliament Election and the Rise of "the Third Force"印度第15届议会选举和“第三种势力”的崛起

Third kind of strength第三种力量
1.Third kind of strength:the harmonious society s power constructs;第三种力量:和谐社会的动力建构
3)the third power in the domain of education教育领域第三种力量
1.And the third power in the domain of education doesn t chase profit, can lighten the education financial burden on the state and come with the possible corrupt practice of the market power for running a school, and promote education development.在市场经济条件下,政府与市场对教育供求的调节也会出现失灵现象,教育领域第三种力量不以营利为目的,可以在一定程度上减轻政府的教育财政压力,克服市场力量办学可能出现的种种弊端,在更大范围内促进教育公益事业的发展。
4)three types of strength三种力量
5)the "Third Party"第三方力量
1.So the "Third Party" of nongovernmental properties, such as trades societies which has more leeway to move, should be the principal part of the polynary governa.然而,由于两岸政治环境的特殊性,海峡经济区的区域治理存在特定意义的"政府失灵"和"市场失灵",而具有民间属性的行业协会等"第三方力量"回旋空间较大,应作为目前海峡经济区"多元化治理结构"的主体发挥更多作用。
6)The Third Party Force第三方面力量
1.The Third Party Force and Xi an Incident;第三方面力量与西安事变
