行政法律责任,administrative legal responsibility
1)administrative legal responsibility行政法律责任
1.Research on the Administrative Legal Responsibility of Administrator;行政人的行政法律责任研究
2.The definition is made on the administrative legal responsibility; an analysis is made on the types of the subject of the administrative legal responsibility; the focus is on the conditions under which the public officials undertake the responsibility as well as on the distinction between direct responsibility and indirect responsibility.对行政法律责任作出界定,分析行政法律责任主体的类型,重点讨论公务员承担行政法律责任的条件以及直接责任和间接责任的区分。
3.To realize it, we must guard against or correct transgression of the law or improper administration, which rely on the amplification and improvement of administrative legal responsibility system.而违法或不当行政的防止或纠正,则有赖于行政法律责任制度的健全和完善。

1.Research on Inputation Principle of the Administrative Legal Responsibility in Marine Environment海洋环境行政法律责任归责原则研究
2.Establishing Administrative Liability-Learnedform Geological Disaster;初探城市规划行政法律责任制度之建立
3.A Normative Analysis on Administrative Legal Obligation;行政法律责任的规范分析——兼论行政法学研究方法
4.The degree of a maritime administrative punishment shall be corresponding to that of the illegal act against maritime administration and to the maritime administrative liabilities to be assumed.海事行政处罚的轻重,应当与海事行政违法行为和承担的海事行政法律责任相适应。
5.On the Responsibility Mechanism of Administrative Environment Law;环境保护基本法中环境行政法律责任实现机制的构建
6.Insufficiency and Improvement of Administrative Responsibility legal System in China;我国行政责任法律制度的不足与完善
7.The Definition and Constitutive Requirements of the Legal Liabilities in Administrative Monopoly;行政垄断法律责任的界定及构成要件
8.Legal Liabilities in the Supervision of Geological Data;地质资料管理中的法律责任——行政处罚
9.On the Legal Nature of Civil Liability Imposed by Administrative Bodies行政主体责令承担民事责任的法律属性
10.Discuss on the Liability of the Subject of Administration on the Contract;我国行政主体在行政合同中的法律责任探讨
11.The Administrative Right Supervision from the Respective of Legal Responsibility--On the Administrative Compensation Liability and Criminal Responsibility of Administrtive subjects;法律责任视角中的行政权监督——议行政主体的行政赔偿责任和刑事责任
12.Based on the degree of seriousness of insider trading, the liability of it has three forms: civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability.根据内幕交易的违法程度不同,其法律责任有三种形式:民事责任,行政责任,刑事责任。
13.Studies of Government’s Environmental Legal Liability from the Perspective of Administrative Public Property;行政公产视野下的政府环境法律责任初论
14.Analyses of Legal Responsibility of Violation of Enactment of Administrative License;行政机关违法设定许可的法律责任探析
15.The Analysis about Shortages Of the Law Liability System and Perfecting it in the Administrative Overview Law;我国行政复议法中法律责任机制的缺失与完善
16.The Government Should Provide Legal Aid to Better Perform Its Duty:Summary of Legal Aid Services in Beijing;认真履行政府责任 积极开展法律援助——北京市法律援助工作纪要
17.Magistrates were to administer the law, not create it.法律官员的责任是执行律法,不是制定律法。
18... shall be disciplined or punished according to law on the merits of each case.根据情节轻重,给予行政处分,或依法追究法律责任。

administrative legal liability行政法律责任
1.The administrative legal liability of social intermediate organizations is responded when social intermediate organizations,as the administrative subject,exercise their public power.社会中介组织的行政法律责任是社会中介组织作为行政主体行使公共权力时所应承担的行政法律责任,特别权力关系理论是追究社会中介组织行政法律责任的重要理论依据,行政调解、行政裁判和行政诉讼是追究社会中介组织行政法律责任的重要途径。
3)the procedure legal liability of the administration行政程序法律责任
1.This papers discussed the focus question of the procedure law of the administration-the procedure legal liability of the administration.随着行政程序问题研究的逐步升温,作为其重要组成部分的行政程序法律责任问题理应受到更多的关注。
4)liability of administrative monopoly行政垄断法律责任
5)legal responsibility of environmental administration环境行政法律责任
6)the administrative obligation law行政责任法

城市规划行政主管部门工作人员的法律责任 城市规划行政主管部门工作人员必须按照民主的原则、法定的程序和严格的工作制度进行执法工作。如果不能秉公执法,给城市规划工作造成损失,同样要承担相应的法律责任。《城市规划法》第四十三条为此作出了专门的规定。 在城市规划管理工作中,有关工作人员以谋私,违反法律规定的审批管理程序擅自行事,或者由于玩忽职守,致使城市规划的实施与管理工作受到影响和损失的,一经所在单位发现,就应给予必要的行政处分;上级行政主管部门对所属下级部门执行监督检查时所发现的比较严重的经及难以在本单位解决的违法读职行为,可以由上级行政主管部门会同有关城市人民政府作出行政处分决定,如果腾工作有员由于玩忽职宽或循私舞弊、滥用职权,性质和影响青恶劣,致使城市规划工作受到严重影响,国家财产受到重大损失,期行为后果已经构成触犯刑律,就应由司法部门依法追究刑事责任。