禁止权利滥用原则,prohibition of abuse of rights principle
1)prohibition of abuse of rights principle禁止权利滥用原则

1.Study on the Character and Function of the principle of prohibiting from abusing right;试论禁止权利滥用原则的性质和功能
2.A Ponderation on Setting up a Principle of Forbidding the Abuse of Rights in Civil Laws;关于民法中确立禁止权利滥用原则的思考
3.Some Thoughts on the Principle Against Civil Rights Abuses:A Discussion with Prof. Liang Huixin on the Lawmaking Principle for Civil Code;对“禁止民事权利滥用原则”的思考——与梁彗星教授商榷民法典立法原则
4.While it is corporate, not government, power that is being abused, it is an abuse of a power granted under the Constitution nonetheless.当公司权利而非政府权利被滥用时,那也是宪法所禁止滥用的权利。
5.Research on the Application of Doctrine of Estoppel in Judicial Judgement of Patent Infringement;专利侵权实务判定中禁止反悔原则适用研究
6.The Application of Doctrine of Estoppel in Judgment of Patent Infringement禁止反悔原则在专利侵权判定中的适用
7.Principle of Faith vs Abuse of Civil Procedure;诚实信用原则对诉讼权利滥用之制衡
8.The Study of Compulsory Licensing Regulation of Patent Abuse专利权滥用之强制许可原则规制研究
9.On Citizen Rights in Constitution has Better be Prescribed by Prohibitive Regulation;论宪法规定公民权利宜用禁止性规则
10.On the apply of the Principle of Adverse Alteration Prohibition in Administrative Reconsideration Procedure;论行政复议“不利变更禁止”原则的适用
11.Comparative Research of the Principle of Prosecution History Estoppel between China and American中美专利侵权中禁止反悔原则的比较研究
12.Study on the Application of Waiver and Estoppel in Marine Insurance;论弃权和禁止反言原则在海上保险中的适用
13.The Study on the Principle of Prosecution History Estoppel and Its Application;专利申请历史禁止反悔原则及其适用研究
14.On Application of Prohibition of Adverse Alteration Principle in Administrative Reconsideration论禁止不利变更原则在行政复议中的适用
15.On patent misuse in patent pool;专利池中的权利滥用问题——美国专利权滥用规则的发展
16.The indemnity principle prevents the insured from profiting from their loss.赔偿原则禁止投保人从损失中获利。
17.On the Principle of Adverse Alteration Prohibition in Administrative Reconsideration Procedure;行政复议“不利变更禁止原则”初探
18.Research on the Principle of Prohibiting Alteration with Prejudice in Civil Appeal Trial民事上诉审禁止不利益变更原则研究

forbidding misuse of rights禁止权利滥用
3)forbid the misuse of right权利滥用之禁止
4)prohibition of right abuse权利禁止滥用
5)On Prohibition of Abuse Du Droit论禁止权利滥用
6)Principle of Right Abuse权利滥用原则

一般禁止数量限制原则一般禁止数量限制原则(Rule of General Crimination of Quantitative Restrictions)又称只允许关税保护原则,是指成员方实行规则允许的贸易保护措施时,禁止实行数量限制,而只允许实行关税手段。其中,数量限制的主要形式是:配额、进口许可、自动出口约束和禁止。总协定文本中的第11条1规定,%26#8220;任何缔约国除征收税捐或其他费用外,不得设立或维持配额、进出口许可证或者禁止其他缔约国领土产品的输入,或向其他缔约国领土输出或销售出口产品。%26#8221;但禁止数量限制也有一些重要的例外,如为防止或缓和输出缔约国的粮食或其他必需品的严重缺乏而临时实施的禁止出口或限制出口;国际收支困难的国家被允许实施数量限制;发展中国家的%26#8220;幼稚工业%26#8221;也被允许加以保护等。这一原则还要求在实施允许使用的数量限制时,应该非歧视地实施数量限制,总协定第十三条对此作为了规定。即%26#8220;除非对所有第三方的相同产品的输入或对相同产品所有第三方输出同样予以禁止或限制外,任何缔约方不得限制或禁止另一缔约方领土的产品的输入,也不得禁止或限制产品向另一缔约方领土输出%26#8221;。此外,实行数量限制必须通过协商,就限制的影响交换意见,并请IMF就实行数量限制国家的国际收支状况提出报告,证实的确存在国际收支困难时,才能实施数量限制。