出境游客,outbound tourists
1)outbound tourists出境游客

2.An Analysis of Recessive-related Factors of Travel for International Tourists--A Case of China s Major Inbound Tourism-generating Countries;国际旅游者出游的隐性相关因素分析——以我国主要入境客源国为例
3.Their "clients" were mainly tourists going abroad and owners of privately-run enterprises in the Pearl River Delta.其“客户”主要是珠江三角洲的出境旅游者和私营企业主。
4.The Status Quo of Japan s Outbound Tourist Market and Chinese Countermeasures Expanding Japanese Tourist Market in China;日本出境旅游现状及我国拓展日本客源市场对策
5.Analysis of the Inbound Tourists Experience in Huangshan City;入境游客对黄山旅游的体验效果分析
6.An Appraisal Study on Inbound Tourists Experience Quality in Beijing;旅游目的地游客体验质量评价性研究——以北京入境游客为例
7.The Comprehensive Researching Statement of Itinerary Development Based on the Visiter' s Behavior基于游客出游行为的旅游线路开发研究综述
8.Gray model of predication of overseas tourists in Shenzhen city深圳市境外游客市场的灰色预测模型
9.Environmental Ecologies Effect of Tourist Overload to the Natural Scenic Spot;游客超载对自然景区的环境生态效应
10.An SSM Analysis of International Inbound Tourism Source Market in Xinjiang新疆国际入境旅游客源市场的SSM分析
11.The Evaluation and Research of Tourist s Satisfaction Definition about Emei Tour Environment;峨眉山景区旅游环境游客满意度测评研究
12.The Relatively Studied on Visitor s Travel Decision Behavior of China s Different Inbound Colony;中国不同群体入境游客旅游决策行为比较研究
13.On the Tourist Environmental Carrying Capacity and the Characteristics of Tourist Flows in Ancient Village;古村落旅游地旅游环境容量及客流特性研究
14.An Analysis on the Factors of Incoming Passengers Evaluation on the Tourist Infrastructure in China;入境游客对我国旅游接待设施评价的因子分析
15.A Demonstrative Analysis of Consumptive Changes of China s Inbound Tourists;中国入境游客旅游消费变动的实证分析
16.Study on the Tourist Perception of Island Tourist Environment:A Case Study of Dongshan Island;游客对海岛旅游环境的感知研究——以东山岛为例
17.Inbound Tourists Motivation and Influential Factors;入境游客旅游动机及其影响因素的实证研究
18.Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of Xi′an traveling quality service to overseas tourist;境外游客对西安旅游服务质量的模糊综合评价

inbound tourist入境游客
1.Based on GIS and investigation on the spot and combining the research on the inbound tourist s behavior and the theory and method of the ecological footprint,the article perfects the concept of the ecological footprint of travel and analyses the basic composition and proposes measure-model of it.利用生态足迹的理论与方法,基于GIS技术,在实地问卷调查的基础上,结合入境游客行为,完善了旅游生态足迹的概念,分析了旅游生态足迹的基本构成,提出了旅游生态足迹计量模型。
2.In this survey,with the help of 52 senior students from Foreign Department of Luoyang College of Technology,we handed out 1,500 questionaires to the inbound tourists.以2007年10月15日至29日对洛阳入境游客所作的问卷调查资料为基础,运用模糊数学等相关理论,以洛阳为实例,首先分析了入境游客对洛阳旅游服务感知的综合评价,之后,又对不同细分群体进行了研究,最后提出了加强厕所卫生、文化娱乐和购物等旅游服务质量的建设、不断维护和提升传统客源国满意度、差异化满足东方文化背景游客群服务需求、重视对女性入境游客的购物市场开发和根据旅游服务质量评价随年龄递减现象,关注中老年客源需求等对策。
3.The paper,choosing Zen Music Shaolin Grand Ceremony as an object of study,analyzes the correlation between inbound tourists evaluation about traditional cultural tourism products and their overall satisfactory degree,awareness of recommendation and revisit.本文选取禅宗少林音乐大典为研究对象,研究了入境游客对传统文化旅游产品的评价与整体满意度、推荐意识、再观赏意识之间的关系。
3)inbound tourists入境游客
1.Comparison research on demographic character of inbound tourists;基于市场调查的中国入境游客人口学特征比较研究
2.A study of China inbound tourists′ selection patterns;中国入境游客旅游选择模式研究
3.A great variety of inbound tourists motivations are influenced by such factors as age,occupation and nationality.实证调查显示出:入境游客来华旅游的主要动机是观光旅游和休闲度假旅游,文化交流和商务旅游人数逐步上升,旅游动机已产生多样化的倾向;卡方(x~2)检验表明年龄、职业和不同地域的旅游者旅游动机有很大的差异,性别和受教育程度对旅游动机的影响较小。
4)overseas tourists境外游客
1.For analyzing the market of overseas tourists in Sichuan Province,a dynamic grey prediction model known as GM(1,1) model was tabled by applying theory of grey system.通过对四川省1997—2005年境外游客数量的分析,发现除个别年份以外,整个时间序列总体呈增长趋势。
2.For analysing the market of overseas tourists in Shenzhen,a dynamic grey prediction model known as GM(1,1) model is formed by applying theory of grey system.通过对深圳市境外游客数量的分析,发现除个别年份以外,整个时间序列总体呈增长趋势。
5)overseas tourist境外游客
1.On spatial movement law of overseas tourists in Kunming;昆明境外游客空间流动规律研究
2.Inquire into forecast of overseas tourists travel in Kunming;昆明境外游客市场预测探讨
3.After a survey of overseas tourists in Shanghai, the temporal and spatial change database of the overseas tourists in Shanghai is established with the help of the software Visual FoxPro.通过对上海境外游客的实地抽样调查,利用Visual FoxPro软件,建立上海境外游客时间和空间变化数据库,经过统计分析,探讨上海境外游客市场的结构特征、客流量的时间变化规律及其与11个旅游热点城市之间的空间流动趋势。
6)Exit passengers出境旅客
