1.However,problems and difficulties still exist,such as the debate between act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism.行动效用主义是传统的效用主义形式,而规则效用主义则是新效用主义的主要代表。
1.Debate between Rule-utilitarianism and Act-utilitarianism:A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Deontology and Utilitarianism在行动与规则之间——论效用主义与道义论的关系问题
2.However,this problem could be resolved by utilitarianism in economics which could gain the monetization of the ecological value through un-market analysis,so the idea of Self-Regard in the property right law would be combined with the protection of the environment and resource.节约型社会视角下的物权客体制度需要以经济学的"效用主义"为指导,通过非市场评价法将物的生态价值货币化,从而建立一个以一般法和特别法相结合的法律规定为主体、以法律解释为补充的法律体系。
3.The classical utilitarianism looks at social welfare as simply the sum of welfare of all members of that society.西方社会福利函数理论的发展经历了四个时期:古典效用主义时期的社会福利函数把社会福利看作是所有社会成员的福利或效用的简单加总;转折时期,新福利经济学流行,其主要的社会福利函数是伯格森—萨缪尔森的社会福利函数;由于阿罗不可能性定理的提出,西方社会福利函数理论的研究进入了困惑时期;对阿罗社会福利函数的研究导致在现代出现了古典效用主义的复兴,而这种复兴并不是对古典效用主义的简单回

1.Steps of the Utilitarian Method效用主义的分析步骤
2.Distinguish act utilitarianism from rule utilitarianism. Which is more important?区分行为效用主义和规则效用主义。哪一个更重要?
3.We further distinguish between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism.我们对行为效用主义和规则效用主义加以进一步的区分。
4.Step 5: Applying the utilitarian perspective第五步:运用效用主义观点
5.Which from of utilitarianism is particularly relevant to the Chinese context?、哪一种形式的效用主义更适合中国?
6.Which form of utilitarianism is particularly relevant to the Chinese context?哪一种形式的效用主义更适合中国?
7.Summarizing and Rethinking on a Change of Difficult Problem of the Essence of Measuring Quantitatively Utilitarianism;效用主义概念系统的主要类型及其创新分析
8.Rule utilitarianism holds that utility only applies to classes of actions rather than to individual actions.规则效用主义认为效用主义应该用于一类行为,而不是用于一种行为。
9.justify your solution with a deontological and a utilitarian analysis.用道义法和效用主义的分析方法说明为什么休用这个解决方案。
10.2 Justify your solution with a deontological and utilitarian analysis.2用道义法和效用主义的分析方法说明为什么采用这个解决方案。
11.Debate between Rule-utilitarianism and Act-utilitarianism:A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Deontology and Utilitarianism在行动与规则之间——论效用主义与道义论的关系问题
12.apply the Kantian, duty-based approach and the utilitarian method to the case of the pesticide plant.用康德建立于责任基础上的方法和效用主义的方法分析本案例。
13.A key component of the utilitarian approach, outlined by Mozi, is the concept of universal love (in Chinese, jian ai) (Cheng 1997: 93)墨子提出的效用主义方法中一个重要的部分就是兼爱(Cheng,1997:93)。
14.The Abuse of Anti-dumping and Its Trade Protectionist Effect;反倾销的滥用及其贸易保护主义效应
15.The European Union and Interregionalism:Regional Effects and Global Influences;欧盟与区域间主义:区域效用与全球意义
16.Peirce s Semiotic Criticism of Psychologism and Pragmatic Effects;皮尔士对于心理主义的符号学批判及其实用主义效应
17.The Emphasis on Scientific Methods,Action and Effectiveness in Dewey's Pragmatism重视科学方法、行动和效用的杜威实用主义
18.empiricism-pragmatism school经验主义-实用主义学派

1.Debate between Rule-utilitarianism and Act-utilitarianism:A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Deontology and Utilitarianism在行动与规则之间——论效用主义与道义论的关系问题
2.However,this problem could be resolved by utilitarianism in economics which could gain the monetization of the ecological value through un-market analysis,so the idea of Self-Regard in the property right law would be combined with the protection of the environment and resource.节约型社会视角下的物权客体制度需要以经济学的"效用主义"为指导,通过非市场评价法将物的生态价值货币化,从而建立一个以一般法和特别法相结合的法律规定为主体、以法律解释为补充的法律体系。
3.The classical utilitarianism looks at social welfare as simply the sum of welfare of all members of that society.西方社会福利函数理论的发展经历了四个时期:古典效用主义时期的社会福利函数把社会福利看作是所有社会成员的福利或效用的简单加总;转折时期,新福利经济学流行,其主要的社会福利函数是伯格森—萨缪尔森的社会福利函数;由于阿罗不可能性定理的提出,西方社会福利函数理论的研究进入了困惑时期;对阿罗社会福利函数的研究导致在现代出现了古典效用主义的复兴,而这种复兴并不是对古典效用主义的简单回
1.Activism is an important concept in modern public relations theory.行动主义是现代公共关系理论中的一个重要概念,如何有效地应对消费者行动主义者,现已成为企业公共关系面临的一大挑战。
2.The evolution of research paradigm in international STS as a new comprehensive interdisciplinary academic field,undergoes three stages which can be named contextualism,constructivism and activism.以历史与逻辑相统一的观点看,作为新兴的综合性、交叉性的学术领域,国际STS的研究范式的演化总体上主要经历了与境主义、建构主义、行动主义三个阶段。
