1.Act-utilitarianism is a traditional form of utilitarianism,while rule-utilitarianism introduces new contents into the modern form of utilitarianism,thus refreshes this theory.行动效用主义是传统的效用主义形式,而规则效用主义则是新效用主义的主要代表。

1.Distinguish act utilitarianism from rule utilitarianism. Which is more important?区分行为效用主义和规则效用主义。哪一个更重要?
2.We further distinguish between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism.我们对行为效用主义和规则效用主义加以进一步的区分。
3.Rule utilitarianism holds that utility only applies to classes of actions rather than to individual actions.规则效用主义认为效用主义应该用于一类行为,而不是用于一种行为。
4.Debate between Rule-utilitarianism and Act-utilitarianism:A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Deontology and Utilitarianism在行动与规则之间——论效用主义与道义论的关系问题
5.The Property and Efficiency of Equal Income Regulation--A Property Analysis of Keynesian Equal and Efficiency;收入均等规则的产权与效率——凯恩斯主义公平效率观的产权分析
6.Efficiency and Property Right Based on the Rule of equal Right--on property right of Marxism equal and efficiency;权利平等规则的产权与效率——马克思主义公平效率观的产权分析
7.On the Property Right and Efficiency of the Rule of Opportunity Equal--Property Right Analysis of Equal Efficiency Outlook by the Liberal Criticism;机会平等规则的产权与效率——自由主义学派公平效率观的产权分析
8.Accordingly, rule like the old" mailbox rule”, which made an acceptance effective upon its deposit into a mailbox, is all but obsolete.相应地,诸如“投邮主义”(诺投进邮箱即生效)样的规则,显然过时了。
9.Analysis on Rawls' Rule Utilitarian Thinking of Punishment评罗尔斯的规则功利主义惩罚思想
10.The Anti-Opportunism Rule and it s Restraints on Accounting;反机会主义规则及其对会计的制约性
11.Rules without Information:Structural Narrative Theory;“无信息的规则”——结构主义叙事学
12.The Anti-terrorism Rules under International Humanitarian Law;国际人道主义法视角下的“反恐”规则
13.Review of Hare s Viewpoint of Utilitarianism--Transcending the Arguments of Act-utiltarianism and Rule-utiltarianism;黑尔之功利主义观述评——超越行为功利主义与规则功利主义之争
14.Thought on Risk Transfer Regulations in the Business Contract --Giving Consideration to Irrationalness Using Single Deliverism Principle;对买卖合同风险移转规则的思考——兼论单一采用交付主义原则的不合理
15.Democratic Rules in Constitutional Republicanism and Mordern Politic Progress;宪政共和主义与现代政治进程中的民主规则
16.a global definition, rule总的定义、 规则.
17.Steps of the Utilitarian Method效用主义的分析步骤
18.Money Supply Effect and the Optimum Money Supply Rule货币供给效用与最优货币供应规则

rules doctrine规则主义
1.Debate between Rule-utilitarianism and Act-utilitarianism:A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Deontology and Utilitarianism在行动与规则之间——论效用主义与道义论的关系问题
2.However,this problem could be resolved by utilitarianism in economics which could gain the monetization of the ecological value through un-market analysis,so the idea of Self-Regard in the property right law would be combined with the protection of the environment and resource.节约型社会视角下的物权客体制度需要以经济学的"效用主义"为指导,通过非市场评价法将物的生态价值货币化,从而建立一个以一般法和特别法相结合的法律规定为主体、以法律解释为补充的法律体系。
3.The classical utilitarianism looks at social welfare as simply the sum of welfare of all members of that society.西方社会福利函数理论的发展经历了四个时期:古典效用主义时期的社会福利函数把社会福利看作是所有社会成员的福利或效用的简单加总;转折时期,新福利经济学流行,其主要的社会福利函数是伯格森—萨缪尔森的社会福利函数;由于阿罗不可能性定理的提出,西方社会福利函数理论的研究进入了困惑时期;对阿罗社会福利函数的研究导致在现代出现了古典效用主义的复兴,而这种复兴并不是对古典效用主义的简单回
1.Hare thought that moral thinking can be divided into two levels:intuitive level and critical level,and rule-utilitarianism and act-utilitarianism can be harmonized.作为传统功利主义在当代发展的两种不同倾向,行为功利主义与规则功利主义在一些基本问题上存在诸多分歧。
5)principle of free intention心证规则主义
1.The establishment of the standard of evidentiary admissibility and weight in respect of ship’s collision at sea is guided by the principle of free intention, which lays the foundations of reconstruction of the litigation evidence.船舶碰撞诉讼证据采证标准的确定是以心证规则主义为理论引导的。
6)idea of the rule by law规则主义法治观
