1.Selecting Method of Digging Position which is in the Lower Coal Seam of Short Distance Coal Seams;近距离煤层下层煤巷道开掘位置选择

1.road resurfacing works道路开掘或重铺工程
2.Canals have been built to take water to the desert.开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。
3.To furnish with or convert into a canal or canals.开掘运河,改建运河开掘运河或将…改建成一条或数条运河
4.canalize:To furnish with or convert into a canal or canals.开掘运河,改建运河:开掘运河或将…改建成一条或数条运河.
5.A great deal of tin used to be mined in the southwestern part of England.在英国西南部曾一度开掘出大量的锡。
6.Develop the Modern Values from Ancient Chinese Civil Action;中国古代民事诉讼之现代价值的开掘
7.The Exploration and Enhancement of the Humanistic Spirit in the Classical Poetry and Prose in Middle School Textbooks;中学古诗文中人文精神的开掘和弘扬
8.To engage in digging, hollowing out, or removing.挖掘忙于挖掘、开凿或运走
9.split-digger blade开口式挖掘铲,组合式挖掘铲
10.archaeologists had begun to uncover,考古学家已开始挖掘
11.Study on the Consecutive Boring Principle of the Open Type Full Face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine;敞开式全断面岩石掘进机连续掘进原理的研究
12.Today, more than 250 years since excavations started,从挖掘庞培城开始至今,250多年过去了,
13.I climbed down into the hole and we started to dig around,我爬到洞底,我们开始在四周挖掘,
14.in England the call a jimmy and jemmy.人们用铁撬撬开岩石发掘里面的金子。
15.hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove.以犁沟或开槽的方式来挖掘。
16.Narrator:“ Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.旁白:至此,人类开始成为自己的掘墓人。
17.But, although the mineshafts were pumped out, there were no bodies.矿井虽然掘开了,尸体却不见踪影。
18.overhand cut and fill上行分层采掘充填开采法

excavating height开掘高度
1.With the increase of the excavating height of footwall, the quantity of ores drawn in unit height is decreasing.对应用无底柱分段崩落法开采矿床时的矿石损失过程进行了分析·在开采倾斜及缓倾斜矿体时,为改善因矿体倾角小而大量残留矿石的状况,可以通过采用开掘下盘部分岩石的方法,提高矿产资源的回收率·分析了矿体下盘倾角与下盘矿石残留量的关系,通过计算机模拟,得出了下盘岩石不同开掘高度与放出矿岩量的变化规律,随着开掘高度的增加,下盘矿石单位高度放出量相应减少,可按盈利总额最大原则确定出最佳开掘高度·在矿山生产实际中,下盘岩石最佳开掘高度随着矿产品价格和生产成本的波动而变化·研究结果表明:采用计算机模拟放矿过程,尤其是放矿控制方面,优于实验室物理模型放矿
3)mine excavation煤矿开掘
1.Application prospect of water pressure demolish in mine excavation;水压控制爆破在煤矿开掘中的应用前景
4)digging excavation掘进开挖
5)exploration and improvment开掘提升
6)cemetery excavation墓道开掘
