1.In order to reconstruct the harmony of human and nature,we should deal with nature as Zi-ran-er-ran.为了在现代社会中重建人与自然之间的和谐关系,人与自然的相处应当走向自然而然

1.There's natural sympathy, natural antipathy.存在着自然而然的同情,自然而然的反感。
2.Inevitably Mutt's name was mentioned.自然而然地,人们提到了马特。
3.Spontaneously they embraced.她们自然而然地拥抱起来。
4.It is a sort of natural canonization.死亡是一种自然而然的超凡人圣。
5.For a time, his pen seemed to travel of itself.他的钢笔一时好象自然而然地动着。
6.Tunes dropped into my mind unbidden各种曲调自然而然地涌入我的脑海。
7.Opportunities for learning occur spontaneously every day.学习的机会每天都会自然而然地出现。
8.On the "Natural" Ecological Ethics Thoughts of Taoism探析道家“自然而然”的生态伦理思想
9.Of course, such leaders emerge naturally out of mass struggle, and cannot be self-appointed.当然这种领袖是在群众斗争中自然而然地产生的,而不能是自封的。
10.On Laozi s Ziran: It-self-so-ing and Other-ing;老子的自然观念:自我的自己而然与他者的自己而然
11.cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development.随着自然的生长而发展。
12.You died, naturally and quietly.你死啦,自然而平和。
13.contrived by art rather than nature.人工生产而非自然的。
14.Speaking comes natural to him.他的演说流畅而自然。
15.speak naturally and easily.自然而又流畅地发言。
16.Take the world as it is.随遇而安。/听其自然。
17.But what is true of the natural world is true also of society.然而适用于自然界的,也适用于社会。
18.Dividends on stock, however, do not accrue.然而,股票的股利不是自然增长的。

autonomy by nature自然而治
1.Stage of self-governance for community: From "autonomy by nature" to "self-governance by consciousness";从“自然而治”到“自觉而治”:社区自治问题再探讨
1.On Laozi s Ziran: It-self-so-ing and Other-ing;老子的自然观念:自我的自己而然与他者的自己而然
4)ran er然而
1.The disyllable conjunction ran er(然而)in Classic Chinese;上古汉语的双音节连词“然而”
2.This article,by means of statistics,discusses and analyses the rhetorical effect of the transitional conjunction ran er in Lu Xun s essay Weeds.在鲁迅先生的散文诗名作《野草》中,转折连词“然而”多次出现。
5)natural green scenes自然而然的绿色场景
6)the Metaphysics of Nature自然形而上学

僾然1.仿佛,隐约貌。 2.含蓄貌。