1.Sir Henry Sidgwick(1838—1900) was an famous influential British ethicist in western ethical academic circles of 19th century end, His moral theory of intuition utilitarianism had been large effects on various ethical schools, especially for intuitionist ethics in contemporary western ethics, Bringing the ethics into a new horizon.亨利·西季威克(1838-1900)是19世纪末西方伦理学界颇有影响的一位英国著名的伦理学家。

1.Study on Henry Sidgwick' Moral Theory of Intuition Utilitarianism西季威克直觉功利主义伦理思想研究
2.On Sidgwick s Dualism of Practical Reason and Its Theoretical Significance;试析西季威克的实践理性二元论及其理论意义
3.Clothier William H.威廉·h·克洛西尔
4.KRASIKOVA, Tetiana O.捷季娅娜·克拉西科娃
5.Distribution and Geochemical Characteristics of Adakites and Adakite-Like Rocks in Sulawesi,Indonisia苏拉威西埃达克岩、类埃达克岩分布与特征
6.A method to estimate annual larval production of Norwegian spring-spawning Atlantic herring挪威春季产卵的大西洋鲱仔稚鱼年孵化量的估算方法(英文)
7.Preface to Cromwell《〈克伦威尔〉序》
8.a group of coral islands in Micronesia southwest of Hawaii.夏威夷以东南的密克罗尼西亚中的一组岛屿。
9.Clint Eastwood's trademark is his squint.(西部片影星) 克林伊斯威特的特征是他眯眯眼。
10.Prissy : Miss Melly done fainted way back, Captain Butler.普里西:威尔克斯太太昏过去了,巴特勒船长。
11.An Ecocritical Interpretation of William Faulkner s Go Down, Moses;对威廉·福克纳《去吧,摩西》的生态主义解读
12.However, Chadwick Trujillo and Michael Brown did not announce their discovery immediately.但查德威克?特鲁西略和迈克尔?布朗没有立刻公布他们的发现。
13.In its winter offensive our Northeast Field Army braved bitter cold of 30 degrees below zero, annihilated most of the enemy troops, captured one well-known city after another and won resounding fame throughout the country.我东北野战军在冬季攻势中,冒零下三十度的严寒,歼灭大部敌人,迭克名城,威震全国。
14.Cadillac's 2000 DeVille, rolling out this fall, is the first vehicle to carry the system.今年秋季就将大批生产的卡迪拉克帝威2000型汽车就是第一批携带夜视装置的车辆。
15.Domenico Criscito will return to Juventus at the end of the season after impressing with Genoa this term.多米尼克·里西托在他这赛季效力热那亚后将会在赛季结束回到尤文图斯.
16.Greek philosopher who succeeded Zeno as head of the Stoic school.克里安西斯希腊哲学家,在季诺之后继任斯多葛学院的院长
17.Dates for Chelsea's first two pre-season friendly games have been confirmed with trips to be made to Wycombe and Portugal.新赛季开始前切尔西头两场热身赛的日程已经确定,蓝军将分别造访威肯比和葡萄牙。
18.Kerry Dixon- Terrorizes snake and kills it, adding yet another to his vast tally for Chelsea.迪克逊―威胁并且杀死了蛇,使自己在切尔西又多了一项丰功伟绩。

Henry Sidgwick亨利·西季威克
1.The Clinical Observation of Combining Treatment of Invasive Gastric Carcinoma by Using VP-16,Oxaliplatin and 5-Fu;威克联合艾恒、5-氟脲嘧啶治疗晚期胃癌的临床观察
1.Adsorption of Carbofuran from Aqueous Solution by Two Macroreticular Resins;两种大孔树脂对水溶液中克百威的吸附行为
2.Study on the Adsorption Thermodynamics of Carbofuran in Soil;土壤吸附克百威的热力学研究
3.Synthesis and identification of the antigens for carbofuran;克百威人工抗原的合成与鉴定
1.Experience of 26 Cases of Chronic Tibia Infection Treated with Vacuseal;威克伤治疗慢性胫骨骨感染26例体会
2.Nursing of VACUSEAL vacuum sealing drainage;威克伤负压封闭引流的护理
3.Methods From April 2004 to March 2006,29 patients with lower tibia and fibula open comminuted fracture were receiving single-arm and spanning external fixator combining limit intermal fixation,debridement,wide area skin soft tissue defects treated by Vacuseal vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) and secondary deep fasciocutaneous flaps or muscletaneous flaps to soft tissue defects.方法本科收治29例胫腓骨下段严重开放粉碎性骨折,采用早期跨关节外固定器固定结合有限内固定、创面清创、威克伤负压封闭引流,及后期转移皮瓣植皮等综合治疗方法。

威克药物名称:足叶乙叉苷英文名:Etoposide别名: 表鬼臼毒比喃葡萄糖甙;泛必治;拉司太特;威克;依托泊甙;足叶乙甙;依托泊苷 , 依托扑沙,鬼臼乙叉甙 ,足叶乙叉苷外文名:Etoposide ,VP-16,VP-16-213适应症: 1.主要用于治疗急性粒细胞白血病,疗效较好,与常用药物无交叉耐药性。 2.也可用于治疗小细胞未分化型肺癌,疗效也较好。 3.尚可用于恶性淋巴瘤、睾丸恶性生殖细胞瘤,可与顺氯氨铂合用。 4.对神经母细胞瘤、绒癌和卵巢癌等也有一定疗效。 用量用法: 静注或静滴:单一用药时的剂量为每平方米体表面积60~100mg,(一般每次100mg),加等渗盐水500ml静滴,每日或隔日1次,连用3~5次,3~4周后重复用药。总剂量1000~2000mg。口服:每日每平方米体表面积100~120mg,连用5日,3周后重复用药。 注意事项: 1.常见的不良反应有脱发、食欲减退、恶心、呕吐、心悸、头晕,还可有低血压,静脉炎及骨髓抑制等。 2.静注时,药液不可外漏,静滴时速度不得过快,至少30分钟,否则易引起低血压。 3.不能作胸腔、腹腔和鞘内注射。 4.不能与葡萄糖溶液混合,在5%葡萄糖注射液中不稳定,可形成微细沉淀。因此,应使用等渗盐水稀释。 5.有白细胞、血小板减少。 规格: 针剂:每支100mg(5ml)。 胶囊剂:每胶囊100mg。 类别:抗肿瘤药