2)pure love纯情
1.But the love she describes lays stress on demonstrating the "affection"which is the kind of pure love that starts from love but is restricted within the moral standards and the less emphasis on "sex".琼瑶擅写爱情故事 ,且有传统、现实、浪漫、传奇的爱情模式 ,但琼瑶所描写的爱情重在渲染“情”字 ,表现为“发乎情 ,止乎礼义”的纯情和对“性”的消解。

1.Genuine Feeling,Pure Love,and Pure Scene--Comments on The Dancing Girl of Izu;纯情·纯性·纯景——论川端康成《伊豆的舞女》
2.A maiden with a pure heart coming across playboys is commonly seen in TV series.纯情少女遇上花心汉是电视剧中常用的情节。
3.Modern Fiction Lyric Three Innocent Character Development;论现代抒情小说三种纯情主人公的塑造
4.Love Hina Advance纯情房东俏房客-祝福之钟声
5.She had feeling, genuine feeling.她有感情,有纯真的感情。
6.loving kindnessph.1. 纯真友爱,纯真爱情;慈爱,挚爱
7.simple affective depression单纯性情感性抑郁症
8.Perfect love casts out fear.纯真的爱情是无畏的。
9.But you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays.然而如今,全没有纯洁的爱情,全没有纯洁的欲望。
10.Gold jewelry handled By our shop may serve as the Best gift for weddings and other happy occasions. Pure gold and pure heart -- eternal friendship and love.我店黄金饰品,最佳婚庆礼品,金纯心纯,真情永继。
11.Write with Justified Reason, Express the Touching Emotion;写纯正之理,抒缠绵之情——白居易《赠内》与《感情》对读
12.a simple unbiased account of events对事情纯然无偏见的叙述
13.In a place where innocence has been stolen, what is the price of love?在失去纯真的地方,爱情的标价是多少?
14.What sublime nonsense love is!爱情是多么纯洁,多么天真无邪啊!
15.Their love for each other was fresh and fine.他们相互之间的爱情还新鲜,还纯洁。
16.Michael Corleone: It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business.不是感情用事,山尼,纯粹是公事。
17.Pure substance normally have sharp melting points.纯质在正常情况下有鲜明的熔点。
18.He had the gift of simple and moving expression.他有一种表情纯朴而动人的秉赋。

pure love纯情
1.But the love she describes lays stress on demonstrating the "affection"which is the kind of pure love that starts from love but is restricted within the moral standards and the less emphasis on "sex".琼瑶擅写爱情故事 ,且有传统、现实、浪漫、传奇的爱情模式 ,但琼瑶所描写的爱情重在渲染“情”字 ,表现为“发乎情 ,止乎礼义”的纯情和对“性”的消解。
3)innocence and charm纯情美
4)innocent and charming womenfolk纯情女性
5)honest and arbitrary纯情任纵
1.He thought that Li Yu,the King of the Southern Tang Dynasty belonged to simplicity because Liyu s Ci was honest and arbitrary,Before Liyu came to the Song Dynasty,his ci was extravagant.南唐后主李煜词向来被归为纯情一类 ,盖因其为人为词纯情任纵。
6)pure love poetry纯情诗
1.This paper discusses the direct and unnegligible effects of poetry on the civilized development of love and the value of beauty created out of the contradictions pure love poetry has been repeatedly faced with——the recollection of the unbearable youth with complex emotions, or the expectation of the nuptial day with water-like t.纯情诗最能表现人生理、心理、美感和道德的全部真实的体验 ,表现人复杂而完美的感情。
