2)Qing wei情伪
1.Multiple interpretations on Xing qing and Qing wei in the history of the Yi-ology;易学史上“性情”与“情伪”的多义化诠释

1.Multiple interpretations on Xing qing and Qing wei in the history of the Yi-ology;易学史上“性情”与“情伪”的多义化诠释
2.Discriminating"Situation" in Zhouyi--"Setting up the Hexagrams to Give the Fullness of What Was Positive and Negative in a Situation";《周易》“情”辨析——兼论“设卦以尽情伪
3.counterfeit emotion; counterfeit money; counterfeit works of art; a counterfeit prince.虚假的感情;伪币;伪造的艺术作品;假冒的王子。
4.Greeted me with a fictitious enthusiasm.用虚伪的热情跟我打招呼
5.The witness perjured herself by lying about what she did on the night o the crime.证人对事发当晚所做的事情作了伪证。
6.(4) a serious act of forging, tampering with or destroying the will.(四)伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,情节严重的。
7.Zeus mocks lovers'oaths.天神嘲笑情人之间虚伪的誓言。
8.Constitutionalism:an Inciting Utopian Thesis in Old China;近代中国“宪政”:一个煽情的伪命题
9.The Development and Related Factors of Children’s Emotional Masking;儿童情绪伪装能力的发展和影响因素
10.Our job is to report the news, not fabricate it. That's the government's job.我们的工作是报告新闻,不是伪造新闻。伪造是政府的事情。
11.The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess;falseness.虚伪,伪善宣扬自己并没有的信仰,感情或品质;假装
12.Fixed crash in iptcparse() if the supplied data was bogus.修正了 iptcprase()在提供的数据是伪造的情况下的缺陷,
13.counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic当激情非真诚时,虚伪的辞令便滔滔不绝
14.counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic- George Will.情感虚伪,看似浮华的花言巧语——乔治·威尔。
15.As if there were no way of discovery, but by simulation.这话的意思犹云。 除了作伪并无发现真情之术也。
16.Gabriel s hypocrisy and anti-female sentiment in The Dead;《死者》中加布里埃尔的伪善和反女性情感
17.Applying frequent episode algorithm in masquerade detection频繁情节挖掘算法在伪装检测中的应用
18.On the Plebeian Style of the Love Stories Sanyan;借男女之真情 发名教之伪药——谈“三言”爱情小说的庶民性

Qing wei情伪
1.Multiple interpretations on Xing qing and Qing wei in the history of the Yi-ology;易学史上“性情”与“情伪”的多义化诠释
3)emotional masking情绪伪装
1.The studies about children’s emotional masking were reviewed and five related factors - family, peer, culture, language ability, dispositional expressivity and gender role- were analyzed.情绪伪装体现了情绪的社会性和适应功能,是情绪的一种调节策略。
2.As a variance of the experience and the behavior of emotion, emotional masking has been obtained in society and will be developed during all one s life.情绪伪装是个体情绪体验与情绪表现不一致的行为。
4)pseudo synchronous伪同步
1.In pseudo synchronous signal resample (PSSR), the resampling rate (rotational speed) and the resampling times are both continuously time varying and the resampling ratios , which are not always integer or simplefraction, are also continuously time varying.而对于伪同步信号重采样,由于重采样频率(瞬时转速)和重采样时刻均为连续时变函数,因此,信号的重采样比也应为连续时变函数。
5)Pseudocomplemented homomornhism伪补同志
6)PN code synchronization伪码同步
