和谐家庭,harmonious family
1)harmonious family和谐家庭
1.To construct harmonious family:punishment and prevention of domestic violence——domestic violence from multi-angles;惩防家庭暴力 建构和谐家庭——多维视角下的家庭暴力问题
2.The construction of a harmonious family is a systematic project.和谐家庭建设是一个系统工程,运用"木桶原理",从桶模、桶板、桶底、桶箍、桶柄等方面,分析了当下家庭建设中所存在的一些主要问题,提出了建设和谐家庭的一些设想。
3.The family progresses along with the society’s development, the harmonious family lays a foundation for the society’s harmony.基于对问题成因的分析,文章提出新时期我国构建和谐家庭的根本途径就是以马克思主义的家庭理论为指导,加强对人们思想、价值观的引导、建设,树立和谐的家庭价值观;弘扬中国传统的家庭伦理道德;让家庭充满爱。

1.The Construction of the Harmonious Society Should Proceed from the Construction of the Harmonious Family;构建和谐社会应从营造和谐家庭着手
2.Promoting the Culture of Filial Piety and Constructing a Harmonious Family and a Harmonious Society弘扬孝道文化,构建和谐家庭、和谐社会
3.Developing Chinese Traditional Family Virtue and Founding Socialist Harmonious Household;传承中华传统家庭美德,创建社会主义和谐家庭
4.Traditional Family Ethics of China and Harmonious Family Relationship in Modern Times中国传统家庭伦理与现代社会的和谐家庭关系
5.Construction of the up-to-date Harmonious Family According to the Confucian Kindheartedness;从儒家“仁爱”思想看当代和谐家庭构建
6.To construct harmonious family:punishment and prevention of domestic violence--domestic violence from multi-angles;惩防家庭暴力 建构和谐家庭——多维视角下的家庭暴力问题
7.On the Morden Transformation of the Traditional Filial Piety and the Construction of Harmonious Family;传统孝道的现代转换与构建和谐家庭
8.On Ethical Dimension in the Construction of Harmonious Rural Families in Transition转型期农村和谐家庭建构的伦理维度
9.Harmonious family as a target of systematic family education;以和谐家庭为主要目标的系统家庭团体辅导实践研究
10.Family Sport Is an Effective Way to Promote Family Harmony家庭体育是促进家庭和谐的有效途径
11.Relevant Research on Harmony of College Students and Their Family Background and Education;大学生自我和谐与家庭环境、家庭教育相关研究
12.Commenting on Harmonious Thoughts of Family in Family Instruction of Chinese Ancient Times and Their Modern Value;简论中国古代家训中的家庭和谐思想
13.Harmony in Conflict by Lao Zi and Family Harmony;老子的“冲气以为和”理论与家庭和谐
14.Domestic Harmony is the Basis for the Construction of a Harmonious Society;家庭和谐是构建和谐社会的基础性工程
15.The Family Harmony is the Basis of Constructing Socialism Harmonic Society;家庭和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的基石
16.Warm,harmonious and happy ,that is my family alike.我生活在一个温馨、和谐、幸福的家庭!
17.Assertion of Individuality and Compromise to Family Harmony;个性的抗争及为家庭和谐而做的让步
18.On Constructing a Big Harmonious Olympic Family;关于奥林匹克和谐大家庭构建的探讨

Harmonious Families和谐家庭
3)Family harmony家庭和谐
1.These are family harmony and family education,school education and social integration.本文对第二代外来人口在家庭和谐及家庭教育、学校教育、社会融合三个方面展开分析。
2.The philosophy of Laozhuang contents a lot of wisdom about family harmony,among which is the theory of harmony in conflict.从老庄的哲思中,可以延伸出很多家庭和谐的智慧,其中"冲气以为和"理论认为执中之道才是和谐的正道,只有执中而"和",才能使家庭稳定和谐。
3.Construction of family harmony is not only an important mission for preserving the world peace and development,but an essential requirement for the construction of social harmony.中国是世界上人口最多、家庭最多的发展中国家,中国的家庭和谐对世界和谐具有举足轻重的作用:只有中国的家庭和谐了,中国社会才会享有真正的和谐,也只有中国社会和谐了,世界才会有和谐。
4)Harmonious structure of the family和谐家庭的结构
5)harmonious family mind-set和谐家庭心态
6)Harmony of marriage and family婚姻家庭和谐
