道德规则,moral rules
1)moral rules道德规则
1.Results showed that: Most preschoolers could make judgments accordance with moral rules on the criterions of permissibility,alterability,contingency of authority and contingency of rule,this consciousness showed significant development between 3 and 4-5-year-olds,especially on the criterion of contingency.结果显示,多数学前儿童都能根据不同的判断标准对主人公行为做出符合道德规则的判断,表现出较强的道德责任意识,且这一意识在3~4、5岁之间获得了较为显著的发展,尤其是在权威依赖性标准上。

1.Deaf High School Students Cognition of Moral and Non-moral Rules;中学聋生对道德和非道德规则的认知
2.Kant characterized moral rules as imperatives that tell us what we ought to do categorically, regardless of our desires or the consequences of our actions.康德则把道德规则归于命令,告诉我们什么是绝对要做的,凌驾于个人的意愿与行为结果之上。
3.The Development of Children s Emotion Understanding in Situation That People s Desires Conflict with Moral Rules;愿望与道德规则冲突情境中儿童情绪理解的发展特点
4.not adhering to ethical or moral principles.不遵守道德伦理规则的。
5.A rule or lesson in moral conduct.道德观道德行为规则或教育
6.A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature.道德规范基于道德、良心或本性之上的一套原则
7.Contrary to conscience, morality, or law; immoral or wicked.不道德的,不正当的不合道德、良知或法律规则的;不道德的或邪恶的
8.the philosophical study of moral values and rules.道德价值与规则的哲学研究。
9.behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality.违反道德习惯或者规则的行为。
10.To Prevent Accounting Ethics Risk by Perfecting Accounting Standards;通过完善会计准则规避会计道德风险
11.The Moral and Conventional Judgment in Autistic Children;孤独症儿童对道德和习俗规则的判断
12.On the Basic Attributes of the Moral Code in View ofEstablishment of the Rule of Distributing Gruel;从分粥规则的确立谈道德规范的基本属性
13.On Business Ethics and Regulaions in Professional Etiquette from the Inscriptions on the Tablet in Qing Dynasty;清代行规中的商业道德准则——以碑刻资料为据
14.The Absolute Importance of Construction of Moral Regulations in the View of Theory of Limit;从限度论看规则道德建设的绝对重要性
15.On a Main moral Principle and the practical norms within the Tourist Resources Exploiting;论旅游资源开发道德的基本原则和规范
16.On the Four Laws of Moral Conduct And the Six Moral Principles: A New Outline of Morality;伦理行为四规律与道德六原则:一种新伦理观
17.A Moral Philosophical Interpretation of Piaget's Child Regularity Awareness Research皮亚杰儿童规则意识研究的道德哲学解读
18.The present Code of Conduct is a set of moral standards for arbitrators, which is not a component part of the Arbitration Rules of the Beijing Arbitration Commission( hereinafter referred to as the Arbitration Rules).本守则属于仲裁员道德准则,不是《北京仲裁委员会仲裁规则》(下简称《仲裁规则》)组成部分。

rules of morality规则性道德
3)morality of rules规则的道德
1.In the market economy, it is the universal but abstract rules that are called the moralities because the morality of rules is beneficial for expanding the social rules.在市场经济条件下 ,只有在人类进行选择中所产生的有利于秩序扩展的普遍而抽象的规则 ,才担当得起道德之名 ,即市场经济需要规则的道德与之相适
4)code of ethics道德规约;道德守则
5)standard of moral principle道德原则规范
1.It is not only the standard of moral principle,but also the method of moral practice with affirmative effect in history.它不仅是道德原则规范 ,而且是道德实践方法 ,在历史上起过一定的积极作用。
6)Wade's rule韦德规则

《道德和立法原则导论》  19世纪英国哲学家、伦理学家J.边沁的伦理学代表作。该书于 1789年第一次发行。全书共分 17章。书中主要提出了两个"原理":①痛苦和快乐是人们的两个最高主宰,也是决定人们应该做和不应该做的道德标准。作者在书中提出凡能求得快乐的就是善,反之就是恶,求善避恶就是道德。这是所谓的"功利原理"。②评价人们行为的善恶,必须考察、计算苦乐的数量大小、时间长短、确切程度、远近后果和能否增长等因素。只有那些大量的、长时间的、确切的、较近的和能增长的快乐,才是最大的幸福。这就是所谓"最大幸福原理"。该书为资产阶级功利主义伦理思想奠定了理论基础,出版后影响很大,作者也因此而负盛名。