孝道伦理,filial piety
1)filial piety孝道伦理
1.Filial Piety Sticks up the Status of Mother in HanShiWaiZhuan;从《韩诗外传》中看孝道伦理维护母亲的崇高家庭地位
2.Over the centuries filial piety has featured in Chinese culture, harmonizing parents - children relationship and stabilizing the society.面对这一传统伦理道德的失范,我们应以怎样的视角正视这一社会问题?本文拟通过对孝道伦理失范原因的分析,以期提供一个政策对应上的理论前提。

1.Filial Piety Sticks up the Status of Mother in HanShiWaiZhuan;从《韩诗外传》中看孝道伦理维护母亲的崇高家庭地位
2.Inner Struggle in Ethical Dilemma--Talking from Ruan Ji's Violence of Morality伦理困境下的内心挣扎——从阮籍的不谨孝道说起
3.On Minority Nationality Following Confucianists' Moral Principles and Ethics during the Period of Beichao--Research on Succession of Filial Piety北朝时期少数民族对儒家伦理道德的传承——以孝道传承为研究中心
4.Some college students' faint awareness of filial piety caused by the lack of filial piety education is not negligible.由于缺乏孝德教育而致使部分大学生孝德观念淡漠,伦理道德水平不高的现象不容忽视。
5.The Combination of Morality Education and Filial Piety Culture--An Ethical Reflection on Medical Students' Filial Piety Practice during Vacations德育与孝道文化的接轨——医学生假期亲情体味实践的伦理思考
6.Different Status of Loyalty and Filial Obedience in Traditional Ethical Ideas in China and Japan;“忠”“孝”在中日传统伦理观念中的地位
7.From Individual Morality to Political Ethic;从个人德行到政治伦理——以贞、孝、忠为中心的考察
8.Cheng s Brothers Explaining to Filial Piety Is the Basis of Jen and Its Ethical Meaning;二程对“孝悌其为仁之本”的解读及其伦理意义
9.Reconstruction of the New Social Ethical Standard--Translation of the cultural connotation of the “filial piety” in Confucian Analects;社会伦理新秩序的重构——释《论语》“孝”字的文化内涵
10.The Unity of Family Ethic and State Ethic from the Central Perspective of Filial Piety ("xiao");从以孝为核心看家庭伦理与社会国家伦理的一体性
11.The Chinese Filial Piety:Its Implications,Representation and Enlightenment;中国人的孝道心理观:含义、表征与启示
12.The Continuing and Innovation of Governing the Country by the Filial Piety Ethics:The Analysis Based on the Contemporary Public Governance;“孝治”伦理的传承与开新——基于当代公共治理的分析
13.As one of the Ten Commandments," honoring your parents" is an important ethical norm of Christianity.孝敬父母作为十诫之一,是基督教的一个重要伦理规范。
14.To Support or to Abandon: An Analysis of People s Ethics on Filial Piety;“养”与“弃”:民众孝亲伦理观念试析——以耿村民间故事文本为对象
15.Briefly on Irrational Factors of Aesthetics --Inspiration of "Life Aesthetics" by Feng Xiao-lun;浅谈审美中的非理性因素——封孝伦“生命美学”的启示
16.The Ethical Emotional Entangements of the Worthy Progeny ──On the Causes of Gao Juxing's Dual Personality in Ba Jin's Work;孝子贤孙的伦理情结──谈巴金笔下高觉新双重人格的根由
17.An Elaborate Reorganization and a Profound Study;精心的梳理,深入的研究——评封孝伦的《二十世纪中国美学》
18.How does the Chan School comprehensive study Confucian ethics --Observe Li(rite), Xiao(filial piety),and Zhong(loyal);略论禅宗对儒家伦理的会通——以礼、孝、忠为个案的考察

piety ethics in modern society现代孝道伦理
3)Ethics of Traditional Filial Piety传统孝道伦理
4)filial ethics孝伦理
1.On the analysis and contemporary critical inheritance of the traditional Chinese filial ethics;传统孝伦理的剖析及现代扬弃
5)governing the country by the filial piety ethic"孝治"伦理
6)ethics of faithfulness and piety忠孝伦理
1.This thesis studies on the background of Wu Zixu\'s thought first,then expounds comprehensively on it from politics(including ethics of faithfulness and piety)side and military side and compares it with Sun Wu\'s and Fan li\'s briefly.本文首先考察了伍子胥思想的背景,然后分政治(包括与之密切相关的忠孝伦理)和军事两个方面,较为全面地论述了伍子胥的思想,并将其与孙武和范蠡的思想进行了简要比较,最后在总结其特点的基础上给予了适当的评价。

孝道1.谓以孝为本的理法规范。 2.孝行,尽心奉养父母。 3.指孝顺的人。