张康之,Zhang Kang-zhi
1)Zhang Kang-zhi张康之
1.Zhang Kang-zhi in his works, View of Philosophy and Ethics on Public Administration.张康之教授在其著作《公共行政中的哲学与伦理》一书中提出并探讨了引导型政府职能模式的概念,这一概念是在总结亚洲国家和地区发展经验基础上的理论提升,其主旨是要解决中国的行政改革应当建立什么样的政府职能模式的问题,代表了政府职能模式建构的一个新的视角,无论对于这一问题的理论研究还是实践路径选择,它都是一个可资借鉴和思考的参照系。

1.Social Governing Pattern of Postindustrial Society--On Public Management Ethics by Zhang Kangzhi;关于后工业社会的治理模式 兼评张康之的《公共管理伦理学》
2.Science and Moral: Query on Moralization of Administrative Power科学与道德:行政权力道德化质疑——对张康之《寻找公共行政的伦理视角》的阅读与商榷
3.Morality in Public Administration:a Project of the Age--On Professor Zhang Kangzhi s Work In Search of Ethic Angle in Public Administration;公共行政道德化:一个时代的课题——评张康之教授的新书《寻找公共行政的伦理视角》
4.On the Ideological Construction under the Condition of Post-Industrialization--Also Commenting on the Ideology of Cooperation Theory of Professor Zhang Kangzhi论后工业化背景下的意识形态建设——兼评张康之教授的“合作意识形态”
5.On the root of the creative idea in “WenFu”--in part discuss with Prof. Shaokang Zhang;论《文赋》创作思想之渊源——兼与张少康先生商榷
6.The government doctor gave Jim a clean bill of health after the checkup.吉姆体检之后,政府医生给他开了一张无传染病的健康证明书。
7.The goddess of health.健康女神司健康之女神
8.Doctors balance the fetus's need to stay in the womb as long as po ible with the strain on the woman.医生在胎儿需要带母体内健康发育的时间和孕妇过度的紧张之间寻找一个平衡点。
9.There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.全场为之震惊,恐惧画在一张张脸孔上。
10.Comparison of the Strategy Management Thoughts between Zhang Zhi Dong and Zhang Jian;张之洞与张謇企业战略管理思想比较
11.She was all hung-up before the interview.面试之前,她十分紧张。
12.In brief, it envisaged the destruction of special privileges.简言之,它主张摧毁特权。
13.three tickets for the Mid Summer Night's Dream.三张《仲夏夜之梦》的票。
14.detente between East and West东西间紧张关系之缓和
15.He is suffering from nervous tension.他正受神经紧张之苦。
16.To stretch or extend over.伸展或扩张到…之上
17.Zhang Dejiang Chen Liangyu Luo Gan Zhou Yongkang Hu Jintao张德江陈良宇罗干周永康胡锦涛
18.The major health effect of the accident was found to be mental stress.该事故对健康的主要影响是精神紧张。

Zhang Shaokang张少康
1.An Analysis of Zhang Shaokang on "Investigation of the Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons";张少康《文心雕龙新探》辨要
3)Kang Yuzhi康与之
1.Textual Research of the Relationship between the Ci Writer Kang Yuzhi of the Early Southern Song Dynasty and Qin Hui;宋南渡词人康与之与秦桧关系考论
2.Contradiction: Kang Yuzhi and His Ci;矛盾的综合体:康与之其人其词
3.Emendations of Kang Yuzhi's Biography in Quan Song Ci《全宋词》康与之小传补正
4)Jingkang disgrace靖康之耻
5)the Poet Laureate太康之英
6)the Battle of Jiankang建康之役
