执政伦理,Governing ethics
1)Governing ethics执政伦理
1.The Study on the Construction of CCP s Governing Ethics;中国共产党执政伦理建设研究
2.Governing Ethics is an ancient and also fresh topic which means an ethical and ethical supervision and moral examination of ruling state power.执政伦理问题是一个既古老又常新的课题。

1.Incumbent Party's Ruling Ethics and Realization Way Research执政党的执政伦理及其实现方式研究
2.The Construction of Ruling Abilities & Ruling Legality and Ruling Ethics;执政能力建设与执政合法性及执政伦理
3.The Socialist Concept of"Honors vs. Dishonors" : Important Contents for the Construction of Governing Ethics;社会主义荣辱观是执政伦理建设的重要内容
4.Thinking on Governing Ethical Construction of the Communist Party of China;关于中国共产党执政伦理建设的若干思考
5.Political Ethics:The Ethic Basis of the Administering Notion of the Governing Party;政治道德:执政党执政理念的伦理基础
6.On the Construction of Power Execution of the CPC and Transformation of Its Ethic Basis;执政能力建设与党执政的伦理基础转型
7.Ethics Examine and Governance Way of Policy Execution Obstruction;政策执行梗阻的伦理审视及治理对策
8.The Study of the Professional Ethics in China s Policy Implementation;中国公共政策执行中的职业伦理研究
9.Public ration: the rational base of ethic construction of modern party in power公共理性:现代执政党伦理建设的理性基础
10.The Economic Ethics Thinking about Strengthening the Construction of the Chinese Communist Party s Ruling Ability;加强党的执政能力建设的经济伦理思考
11.On the Building China's Current Administrative Ethics--To Unswervingly Develop Socialist Democratic Politics and the Moral Construction of the Party's Ruling当前中国的行政伦理建设——坚定不移发展社会主义民主政治与执政党的执政道德建设
12.The Scientific Ethical Viewpoint as the Basis of Governing Party s Construction and Political Civilization Construction;树立科学的伦理观是执政党建设与政治文明建设的基础
13.The Comparison of Rule Legality between CPC and KMT(1927-1949)--in a Viewpoint of the Ruling Party s Ethics;国共两党(1927年—1949年)执政合法性的比较——从政党伦理的视角考察
14.The Ethical Demand in the Construction of Political Legitimacy of CPC--On the moral basis of the education of keeping Communist s representative role;论我国执政党政治合法性建设的伦理诉求——兼论保持党员先进性教育的道德依据
15.Holding the Governance Strategy of the CPC Strengthening the Governance Theory;把握党的执政方略 加强执政理论研究
16.Legal administration: the rational choice of Party s Administrative Way;依法执政:党的执政方式的理性选择
17.One of the ruling magistrates of the medieval Italian republic of Florence.最高执政官中世纪意大利的佛罗伦萨共和国的最高执政官
18.The Bottom Line of the Political Ethics and the Theoretical Construction of Bottom-line Political Eethics;政治伦理的底线与底线政治伦理的理论建构

ruling ethics执政伦理
1.The construction of the ruling abilities is the rational self-awareness of ruling legality and ruling ethics, a response to crisis of ruling legality, and is closely connected with ruling ethics.执政能力建设与执政伦理之间具有手段与目的的关系。
3)moral system of ruling party执政党伦理
4)governing ethical idea执政伦理理念
5)ethics of governing system执政制度伦理
6)the Fundamental Question of Governing Ethics执政伦理基本问题

九月十五日迩英讲论语终篇赐执政讲读史官燕【诗文】:长独坐黄昏谁是伴紫薇花对紫薇郎翌日各以表谢又进诗一篇臣轼诗云绣裳画衮云垂地,不作成王剪桐戏。日高黄繖下西清,风动槐龙舞交翠。(迩英阁前有双槐,樛然属地如龙形。)壁中蠹简今千年,漆书蝌蚪光射天。诸儒不复忧吻燥,东宫赐酒如流泉。酒酣复拜千金赐,一纸惊鸾回凤字。苍颜白发便生光,袖有骊珠三十四。(臣所赐诗并题目及臣姓名,凡三十四字。)归来车马已喧阗,争看银钩墨色鲜。人间一日传万口,喜见云章第一篇。(上前此未尝以御书赐群臣。)玉堂昼掩文书静,铃索不摇钟漏永。莫言弄笔数行书,须信时平由主圣。犬羊散尽沙漠空,捷烽夜到甘泉宫。似闻指麾筑上郡,已觉谈笑无西戎。(时熙河新获鬼章。是日,泾原复奏夏贼数十万人皆遁去。)文思天子师文母,终闭玉关辞马武。小臣愿对紫薇花,试草尺书招赞普。(谨案唐制:翰林学士带知制诰,许缀中书舍人班。今臣以知制诰待罪禁林,故得以紫薇为故事。)【注释】:原题:九月十五日迩英讲论语终篇赐执政讲读史官燕于东宫又遣中使就赐御书诗各一首臣轼得紫薇花绝句其词云丝纶阁下文书静钟鼓楼中刻漏【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十七