伦理培训,ethics training
1)ethics training伦理培训
1.This paper analyses the serious situation faced by Chinese enterprises and the understanding deviation they hold on the ethics construction, and then proposes the basic ways of the construction of business ethics, including making the aim of corporate clear, setting the norms or codes of ethics and carrying out the ethics training, etc.文章分析了我国企业伦理建设面临的严峻形势及对伦理建设认识的偏差,提出我国企业伦理建设的基本做法,包括:明确企业的目的、制订伦理准则或守则以及实施伦理培训等。
2)Ethics Cultivation伦理培养

1.Engineer's Ethics Cultivation:the Unbearable Weightiness of Engineering Education工程师伦理培养:工程教育不能承受之重
2.The Ethical Thoughts about Training Healthy Personality of the State Owned-Capital;培养健康的国有资本人格的伦理思考
3.Confucian Ethics and Cultivation of College Students Network Moral Personality;儒家伦理与大学生网络道德人格培养
4.Ascending the Predicament in the Cultivation of Professional Ethics Abilities for Medical Students走出医学生职业伦理能力培养的困境
5.On Fostering Ethical Diathesis of the Talent of the Speciality of Economic Management;略论经济管理专业人才伦理素质的培养
6.The Education of Engineering Ethics & the Training of Moral Quality of the Students of Science and Engineering;工程伦理教育与理工科大学生道德素质的培养
7.Requirement of Ethics and Learners Ethics Cultivation in Modern Distance Education;论现代远程教育的伦理道德要求及学习者的伦理道德培养
8.Early Buddhist ethics calls for practitioners to cultivate four mental states早期的佛教伦理学要求佛家弟子培养四种情感
9.Study on the Entrepreneurship from the Ethical Prospective;经济伦理视角下的企业家精神培养研究
10.The Cultivation of the Ethical Spirit of "Economic Man" in the Perspective of Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野中“经济人”的伦理精神培养
11.Talking about Training Professional Conscience of Police from the Point of Ethnics;从伦理学视野谈人民警察职业良心的培养
12.The Technological and Ethical Education and the Cultivation of Students Quality of Moral in Higher-polytechnic Institutions;技术伦理教育与高职学生道德素质的培养
13.On Cultivation of Ethical Morality to Environment of College Students;谈如何培养大学生的环境伦理道德思想
14.The Cultivation of Medical Students Interest in Learning Medical Ethics;《医学伦理学》教学中学生学习兴趣的培养
15.Research on the Current Situation and Training Ways about Postgraduates Value of Scientific Morals;浅谈研究生科技伦理道德观的现状与培养
16.Try to Discuss the Taxpayer Consciousness of the Socialist Contract Ethics and Cultivate试论社会主义契约伦理的纳税人意识及其培养
17.On the Training of Ecological Ethics Awareness based on the Professional Education for Medical Students医学生专业教育视阈下的生态伦理意识培养
18.The Neglecting of Professional Ethic Education and Strategy in the On-Service Training for Teachers教师职后培养中专业伦理教育的缺失及对策

Ethics Cultivation伦理培养
3)nursing training护理培训
4)management training管理培训
1.We suggest the character of private-owned enterprises management training through the investigation & our long-term survey,propose some strategies how to promote the staff quality & management standard of private-owned ent.对民营企业管理培训的调查和我们长期的观察与分析,提出民营企业的管理培训有其自身的一些特点,同时结合对民营企业管理培训的判断提出一些建议,以利于提升民营企业管理培训的质量,从而提升民营企业的人员素质和管理水平。
2.The development of management innovation depends on the management training in the private enterprise in some extent.管理创新能力的提升一定程度上依赖于企业的管理培训工作。
5)inspection and control training监理培训
1.With the issue of new version of FIDIC conditions,the change of its basic frames must be coped with carefully in the process of current inspection and control training.随着新版FIDIC条件的发行 ,在现行监理培训工作中要处理好它的基本框架变动问题和对关键词的改动问题 ,注意它对业主、工程师、承包人的职权作的新的规定和注意讲解索赔争端与仲裁程序及规定的变
6)training management培训管理
1.Analysis on effective employee training management in enterprises;有效的企业培训管理分析
2.Study on the Relationship between Training Management and Firm Performance;员工培训管理与企业绩效的关系研究
3.On training management in construction enterprises对建筑施工企业培训管理的探讨
