道德理性主义,moral rationalism
1)moral rationalism道德理性主义
1.The construction of one\'s self-moral and realization of self-value should be consistent with the ethical naturalism and moral rationalism.道德自我的建构与价值实现兼具伦理自然主义与道德理性主义相统一的特征;通过道德实践奉献于社会以及通过修养提升个体人格,是道德自我价值实现的根本途径和最终目标。
2)Rationalism and Morality理性主义与道德
3)moral idealism道德理想主义
1.Thirdly,there is a huge contrary between the request of the moral quality from the moral idealism and both the aspect of.首先日益内在超越的儒家伦理思想,专注于不仅是伦理学意义,而且是本体论意义的"诚",忽视了作为外在行为准则的"信",其次,名教在统治者操纵下名与实不符,而名与利相符;最后,儒家道德理想主义对道德人格的要求与人的现实层面和社会道德现实构成巨大反差,滋生大量虚伪
2.And this sort of extremist moral idealism will finally lead to moral despotism.这种道德理想主义极端化的后果便是道德专制。
3.Such problems as what is the implication of the narrative discourse of "Courteous to the Worthy and Supportive of Scholars";are the images of gallant characters in ancient literature based on real life? Observation of parodies on classic narratives in The Scholars and the conflict between moral idealism and life dilemma caricatured by the write.或者说,以对广泛的人生问题的思考为背景,吴敬梓也思考了一系列的艺术问题和学术问题,如中国古代“礼贤下士”的叙事话语,其实质性的内涵是什么?古代文学中的豪侠形象是否具有足够的现实依据?由此切入,考察《儒林外史》对几种经典叙事的戏拟,考察吴敬梓所创造的漫画世界的道德理想主义图景以及对现实困境的深刻揭示,可以对小说家表达思考的特殊方式及其小说史、思想史意义有所发明。

1.Rational and Moral Idealism -On the Spirit of Zhu Zi s Theory;理性与道德理想主义——论朱子学的精神
2.Moral Idealism and Ethical Centralism; Joint Structure of Confucian Ethics;道德理想主义与伦理中心主义:儒家伦理的双旋结构
3.Moral Idealism and Life Dilemma--The Scholars: a Parody of Classic Narrative;道德理想主义与现实人生困境——论《儒林外史》对经典叙事的戏拟
4.The International Idealism Moral View and Its Predicament;国际关系理想主义的道德观及其困境
5.Freudian moral theory弗洛伊德主义道德理论
6.The Moral Appeal of Amoral Political Theories:The Paradox of Realist Perspectives on International Ethics;“非道德”政治论的道德诉求——现实主义国际关系伦理思想浅析
7.Confucianism and Socialist Morality System Build儒家伦理思想与社会主义道德体系建设
8.Thoreau s Ideal Individualism and Moral Construction;梭罗的个人主义理想与个人的道德良心
9.German idealist philosopher (1724-1804).德国理想主义哲学家。
10.From Idealism to Empiricism --On the Modern Turning Value Aims in Traditional Education;从理想主义到经验主义——试论传统道德教化价值目标的现代性转向
11.The Tention of Moral Idealism and Moral Utilitarianism;理想主义与功利主义的张力——论道德的目的、动力、价值
12.Humanitas in the Service of the Truth of Being--A Study on Heidegger s Humanism;为存在之真理效力的人道——论海德格尔的人道主义思想
13.There is a close connection between the Nazi's criminal human experiments and the superman morality and racialism in the thoughts of German ethics.德国纳粹人体实验与德国现代伦理思想中的超人道德和种族主义思想密切相关。
14.The Moral Forming Throry of New Freudism and the Meaning to Moral Education;新弗洛伊德主义的道德形成理论及其德育意义
15.Existentialism is a kind of humanism;“存在主义是一种人道主义”——海德格尔、萨特的人道主义思想述评
16.3) ethical view on history, which considers Populism to be theoretical foundation;三、以民粹主义思想为支撑的道德史观;
17."Three Theory of Confucianism" and Construction of Socialist Ideology and Morality;“儒家三论”与社会主义思想道德建设
18.Socialist honor and disgrace outlook and ideological education in higher learning institutions;社会主义荣辱观与高校思想道德建设

Rationalism and Morality理性主义与道德
3)moral idealism道德理想主义
1.Thirdly,there is a huge contrary between the request of the moral quality from the moral idealism and both the aspect of.首先日益内在超越的儒家伦理思想,专注于不仅是伦理学意义,而且是本体论意义的"诚",忽视了作为外在行为准则的"信",其次,名教在统治者操纵下名与实不符,而名与利相符;最后,儒家道德理想主义对道德人格的要求与人的现实层面和社会道德现实构成巨大反差,滋生大量虚伪
2.And this sort of extremist moral idealism will finally lead to moral despotism.这种道德理想主义极端化的后果便是道德专制。
3.Such problems as what is the implication of the narrative discourse of "Courteous to the Worthy and Supportive of Scholars";are the images of gallant characters in ancient literature based on real life? Observation of parodies on classic narratives in The Scholars and the conflict between moral idealism and life dilemma caricatured by the write.或者说,以对广泛的人生问题的思考为背景,吴敬梓也思考了一系列的艺术问题和学术问题,如中国古代“礼贤下士”的叙事话语,其实质性的内涵是什么?古代文学中的豪侠形象是否具有足够的现实依据?由此切入,考察《儒林外史》对几种经典叙事的戏拟,考察吴敬梓所创造的漫画世界的道德理想主义图景以及对现实困境的深刻揭示,可以对小说家表达思考的特殊方式及其小说史、思想史意义有所发明。
1.The kernel of Confucian thought of peace is his moralism which is composed of humanity, courtesy and harmony.儒家的道德主义和平思想体系由“德”、“仁”、“礼”、“和”四大基本要素构成,其中,“德”是人类行为的至上公理、“仁”是人类关系的基本伦理、“礼”是人类行事的具体规范、“和”是人类关系的目的状态。
2.The relationship of Rousseau’s and Nietzsche’s thoughts has all the time been discussed from the opposition between "moralismand aestheticism"in the academic circle.一直以来,"道德主义与审美主义"的对立是学界对待卢梭和尼采思想关系上的理论取向。
3.The behavior that people killed kings through wiping out their lives in primitive times had been replaced by the civilized behavior that people deniedy the value of kings,which reflects Moralism principles of Confucianism thoughts in Chinese civilization.原始时代通过直接杀死"王"而终结"王"的生命,被文明化后的通过否定"王"的意义而消灭"王"的价值所代替,体现着中国文明中儒家思想为代表的道德主义原则。
5)Freudian moral theory弗洛伊德主义道德理论
6)moral autonomy of reason理性的道德自主
