道德动力,moral drives
1)moral drives道德动力
1.A series of moral problems occurred in China s society demonstrate that the people are short of appropriate moral drives. 当今社会存在的一系列道德问题,反映了人们缺少应有的道德动力

1.Practicality Study and Analysis on the Moral Drives of Undergraduate in New Era;当代大学生思想道德动力分析及实践研究
2.urged or forced to action through moral pressure.用道德的压力迫使行动。
3.Moral self-discipline and motive of voluntary resignations;道德自律——“引咎辞职”行为的动力
4.On Orientation, Impetus and Method in University Students Moral Cultivation;大学生道德修养的方向、动力和方法
5.The Motive Force of Capitalism Origin And the Restritive Mechanism of Ethics;资本主义起源的动力与道德制约机制
6.Moral Self-Discipline and Social Control: Two Forces of Standardizing Academic Activities;道德自律与社会控制:规范学术活动的两种力量
7.The Primary Motive Force of School Development: Principal s Moral Mission and Responsibility;校长的道德使命与责任:学校发展的元动力
8.On the Motion Adjustment and Control of University Students Reception to the Ideological and Moral Education;大学生思想道德教育接受的动力及其调控
9.Role of students organization in improving morality;学生团体活动对提高道德认知能力的重要作用
10.Enhance Study on the Motive Function of "Moral Evaluation";进一步深化“道德评价”之动力作用的认知
11.The Communist Morals--A Spiritual Power to Prosper Our Cause;共产主义道德是我们事业兴旺发达的精神动力
12."Beauty is potent, But morality is omnipotent"美貌固有力,道德力无穷
13.An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.(道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动
14.The Tention of Moral Idealism and Moral Utilitarianism;理想主义与功利主义的张力——论道德的目的、动力、价值
15.The Tensility in Moral Education--On social background and Moral Education;德育的张力——浅论社会性道德背景与道德教育
16.Ethics Development Campaign [Independent Commission Against Corruption]道德发展运动〔廉政公署〕
17.gave an electric reading of the play; the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale.激动人心的戏剧表演;新领导人对人们的道德施予了有力的影响。
18.He knew he would never get Lord's promotion agreed to at this point, even if he pushed it.他知道即使自己大力推动,提升洛德在这当口也是通不过的。

inner morality power内在道德动力
1.It is studied from the aspects of inner morality power, external morality power, and the combination of both.个体的道德动力应作为一个伦理学概念提出 ,并从内在道德动力、外在道德动力以及内外道德动力的结合上加以研究。
3)external morality power外在道德动力
1.It is studied from the aspects of inner morality power, external morality power, and the combination of both.个体的道德动力应作为一个伦理学概念提出 ,并从内在道德动力、外在道德动力以及内外道德动力的结合上加以研究。
4)moral power道德力量
1.Man s spiritual power can be classified into intelligent power and moral power.人类的精神力量可分为智慧力量和道德力量。
2.The innercauses of his permanent charmlie liein in extraordinary wisdom,strong will and moral power.本文把他放在特定的时代背景下 ,考察了范蠡魅力永存的内在原因在于他非凡的智慧、意志和道德力量 ,并回顾了近十年来 ,有关范蠡研究出版的简要情况 ,以期引起大家对这位独特人物的关
3.But Tao Yuanming accomplished his self-realization without fully satisfying the intermediate even the lower needs,the reason of which lay in the powerfulness of his 3 personality essentials of the power of wisdom,moral power and the power of will,all of which made him possess the power to surpass frustrations,a power that ordinary people were void of.个中原因,是因为诗人智慧力量、道德力量、意志力量这三种人格要素的强大,从而使他具备了常人所不具备"挫折超越力"。
5)moral ability道德能力
1.Cultivate the students moral ability through a“six-mode"system and the expansion of time and space——An exploration to the effective education in the course of “The cultivation of ideology and morality"in the universities;延扩教育时空 运用“六式”系统培养学生道德能力
2.Therefore, three-dimensional network of university moral education of students subjective participation should be established to enhance their moral quality, develops their moral ability and perfect their moral personality.为此,必须通过构建主体参与式的高校德育立体网络,提高学生的道德素质,发展学生的道德能力,完善学生的道德人格。
3.Rawls regarded the moral ability as the logistic jumping-off point to review and establish modern society.罗尔斯则把道德能力作为考察和建构现代社会的逻辑起点,但罗尔斯的道德能力并没有在本质上区别于权利能力。
6)moral capacity道德能力
1.He created his view of freedom integrated with equality, thinking that social structure should ascertain and adjust the basic freedom according to human s moral capacity and adjust the social allocation of human s natural gift.罗尔斯从人的能力结构入手考察人的自由及其根据,建构了与平等相结合的自由观,认为社会结构要根据人们的道德能力确定和调整基本自由,并对人们的自然天赋能力的社会分配进行调节。
2.To show the nature of power, and promote all-round development of people, the most critical and highest ability is the moral capacity, which is a person of comprehensive development in accordance with the intrinsic nature of the realization of their own development, perfecting the capacity of its own.本文立足于现实生活,从道德哲学的视角出发,力图对主体的道德能力的全面发展进行分析。

动力机械:内燃机动力学研究内燃机运转中的力学现象的科学。其主要任务是研究分析内燃机运转时各主要零件的运动规律及其受力情况﹐用以作为内燃机零件设计﹑计算的依据。它还研究这些力对内燃机动力装置的影响及其消减方法。内燃机动力学的主要内容为曲柄连杆机构运动学﹑曲柄连杆机构动力学和内燃机平衡分析等。曲柄连杆机构运动学 研究曲柄﹑连杆﹐尤其是活塞的运动规律。活塞作周期性往复运动时的位移、速度和加速度可用下述各式近似求算式中为曲轴转角﹔ 为曲轴旋转角速度﹔为曲柄半径﹔为曲柄半径 与连杆长度之比﹐即 = / 曲柄作回转运动﹐连杆作复杂的平面运动。连杆的运动往往被简化分解为随活塞组的往复运动和随同曲柄的旋转运动。曲柄连杆机构动力学 研究分析曲柄连杆机构(见曲柄滑块机构)在运动中力的生成﹑传递和输出。作用在曲柄连杆机构上的力有曲柄连杆机构运动时产生的往复惯性力和离心惯性力﹐以及内燃机气缸内的气体压力。