开明自营,seeking one's own profit properly
1)seeking one's own profit properly开明自营
2)Kunming's self-opening up昆明自开商埠

1.The Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Meaning of Kunming s Self-opening up in Late Qing Dynasty;晚清昆明自开商埠的地缘政治经济意义
2.Difference about the Opening Reasons between Treaty-port and Self-established Trade Port in Mordern China;约开商埠与自开商埠开放背景的差异性比较
3.On the culture nurture of the ports opened voluntarily by China--Zhoucun ports culture as an example论自开商埠的文化培植——以周村商埠文化为例
4.Study of the Differences in Function of the Commercial Market between Treaty Ports and Self-established Trading Ports;试论约开商埠与自开商埠商品市场功能的差异性
5.Were the Sixteen Ports in the Northeast China Opened Voluntarily in 1905 ?;1905年所开东北16处商埠是自开商埠吗?——与徐柳凡、杨天宏先生商榷
6.On Self-established Trading Port and the Development of Modern Conmodity Economy of China;自开商埠与中国近代商品经济的发展
7.The Research of Self-opening Trade Zones and Modernization of Dandong (1903-1931);自开商埠与丹东城市近代化研究(1903—1931)
8.The non treaty port is one of the important types of trading ports in modern China.自开商埠是近代中国重要的通商口岸类型。
9.On the Administration and Law System Differences between the Concessions and the Self-established Trading Ports;租界与自开商埠行政法律制度的差异性初探
10.The Establishment of Modern Enterprises and Degree of Industrialization in Untreaty Ports;自开商埠近代企业的创建及工业化程度分析
11.Since the trading port opened in 1861, Hankou turned into a modern city from a traditional commerce town.自1861年开埠,汉口开始了由传统商业市镇向近代化都市的快速转进。
12.Hong Kong's development into a commercial centre began with British settlement in 1841.香港自一八四一年开埠以来,逐渐发展为一个商业中心。
13.Study for the Progress of Tsinan Urban Industrializaton Setting on Background of Self-opening Trading Port (1904-1937);自开商埠背景下的济南城市工业化进程研究(1904-1937)
14.Introspection on the Road of China s Earlier Modernization:Rambling Talk about the Reformation of 1901-1911 and Opening of Port by Jinan Itself for Foreigners;中国早期现代化之路反思——清末新政与济南自开商埠纵横谈
15.A Study of the Policy-decision Process concerning "Self-opened Trading Ports" in the Late Qing Dynasty;从思想主张到政府决策——晚清“自开商埠”决策过程研究
16.Differences between Two Kinds of Land Systems--Comparative study on the concessions and trade places in self-established trading ports;近代两种土地制度的差异性研究——基于租界与自开商埠通商场土地制度的比较
17.Hong Kong was founded as a port for the China trade just over 150 years ago.香港在150多年前开埠之时是中国的通商港。
18.After the Sino-Japanese War in 1895,Soochow began to fix concession,open and trade with foreigners.中日甲午战争后,苏州设立租界,开埠通商。

Kunming's self-opening up昆明自开商埠
3)liberal gegismegoism开明的自我主义
4)auto night light自动开关夜明灯
1.In fact,in his old age he was not so stupid as people criticized,he is enlightened in many frontier affairs.晚年的玄宗仍保持了一定的清醒,对于民族政策是开明的。
1.Outsourcing or self-operation decision making in reverse logistics based on analytic network process;基于网络分析法的逆向物流外包或自营决策
2.This paper expounds briefly the concepts of self-operation and factoring of railway in mining areas, and probes emphatically into the conditions and interface of self-operation and factoring of railway in mining areas.简要阐述了矿区铁路自营与代管的概念 ,着重对矿区铁路自营和代管的条件及交接问题进行了探

裘开明Qiu Kaiming裘开明(1898~1977)图书馆学家。美籍华人。1898年3月11 日生于中国浙江省镇海县,1977年11月13日卒于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥。1920年入文华图书馆学专科学校学习。1922年毕业后任厦门大学图书馆馆长。1924年赴美国进修图书馆学和经济学 。1933 年获哈佛大学博士学位。在进修期间,兼在哈佛大学图书馆工作。1931~1965年任哈佛燕京图书馆首任馆长。1965~1970年先后担任美国明尼苏达大学东亚图书馆和香港中文大学图书馆顾问。1970年以后任哈佛燕京图书馆中文善本图书研究顾问。他在图书编目分类及古籍版本等方面较有研究,出版和发表有《中国图书编目法》(1931)、《汉和图书分类法》(1947,中英文对照本)《哈佛燕京图书馆中文善本图书》(1976)、《四库未收明代类书考》(1969)等50余种专著、书目和论文。其中《汉和图书分类法》设有中国经学、哲学宗教、历史科学、社会科学、语文、美术游艺、自然科学、农林工艺、总录书志等9 大类,大类之下的一些二级类目按中国传统分类法展开,比较适合于类分中国和日本的古典文献,为美国的一些东方文献的收藏机构所采用。                 舒牧