人生无价值感,feeling of valueless life
1)feeling of valueless life人生无价值感

1.The One-time Life and the Value of Life--A Talk of the Idea of Valueless Life: its Causes,its Damage and its Digestion;生命的一次性与人生价值——谈人生无价值感的产生、危害与消解
2.Yielding himself to his feelings of worthlessness, he tried to kill himself.他沉湎于人生毫无价值的情感中,曾试图一死了之。
3.The life of an evil man is a moral negation.恶人的生命在道德上是无价值的。
4.Nihility of the Life--Nietzsche to Nihilism Value Evaluation and Surmounting;人生之虚无——尼采对虚无主义的价值重估与超越
5.Key phrase: Moral culture education; Imperceptible education; Study emotion; Study habit; Study strategy; Study consciousness; Philosophy of life and social.关键词:德育教育;无痕渗透;学习情感;学习习惯;学习策略;学习意识;人生观价值观。
6.The Theoretical and Practical Research of the University Students Interpersonal Self-esteem;大学生人际自我价值感理论与实证研究
7.The Correlation of University Students Self-worth and Personality Traits;大学生自我价值感与人格特质的相关研究
8.A Preliminary Study of the Relation Between Interpersonal Trust and Self-Worth of University Students;大学生人际信任与自我价值感的相关研究
9.to gull a person into buying rubbish骗人买无价值的东西
10.a worthless or immoral woman.毫无价值或淫荡的女人。
11.It' s worthless to anybody.这对任何人都毫无价值。
12.Elliot thinks that tear-jerkers are for the birds.爱略特认为令人感伤的电影或戏剧是毫无价值的。
13.A Study of the Influence of Personality, Values and Life Events on High School Students Subject Well-Being;人格特征、价值观、生活事件对高中生主观幸福感的影响研究
14.Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object.-Hegel目标有价值,人生才会有价值。--黑格尔
15.Personality, Subjective Well-being and Their Relationship with Vocational Values of Postgraduates;研究生人格、主观幸福感与职业价值观的关系研究
16.Feeling s Persistence and Reason s Transcendence--Analysis on Tao Yuanming s Life Ideal and Its Value of the Times;情感的执着与理性的超越——解悟陶渊明的人生理念及时代价值
17.World outlook; Outlook on life; values世界观,人生观,价值观
18.A worthless, despicable person.无用的人没有价值的、可鄙的人

Value of life人生价值
1.On self-actualization of the value of life;略论人生价值的自我实现
2.My reflections on the women s value of life;关于女性人生价值的几点思考
3.He is on the bottom of the capitalist society and tries to fulfill his value of life, the recognition of others, at the expense of his life.他处在资本主义社会的底层,妄图用生命的代价去实现自己的人生价值———获得他人的认可,但资本主义体制却要求一个人要像机器那样,只有工作,没有思想,从而剥夺了人的人性的一面。
3)the value of life人生价值
1.According to the diversified choice of the value of life and the suspicion against collectivism, the paper clarifies four objective base of collectivist lead: the diversified choice of the value of life ,the socialist basic systems, the demand of socialist market economy and the need of antidisingratation.受到各种因素的影响,当今人们人生价值观的选择呈现出多元化的态势,不少人对集体主义持中性、弱性态度。
4)life values人生价值
1.I ve been attempting to make an exploration on some representative female images from multiple angles,which directed at females struggling in feudal society,by drawing an outine of them and probing into their humble living circumstances, rebellion subjective ideology and life values to make relatively objective judgements.本文主要是针对中国古代文学中的女性形象作横向的勾勒 ,探索其卑微的生存境况、悖逆的主体意识和不凡的人生价值 ,力求能在一个较为客观的坐标系中为其定位。
2.The Chinese classical“three mottos”:“Li Gong”,“Li Yan”and “Li De”, which respectively means making contributions to the country, composing books to present one’s viewpoint of the country’s state affairs and cultivating one’s morals and virtues, are the nuclear contents of the Chinese traditional life values of ethics.“立功”“立言”和“立德”是中国传统伦理人生价值观的核心内容,它们之间有着内在的联系。
3.The theory of life values is the core content of Chinese traditional culture.中国传统文化关于人生价值的思想,集中地体现在注重协调自我身心关系、个人与他人的关系、个人与社会的关系以及人与自然的关系等方面,而这些问题的处理其根本目标和原则,是实现社会的全面和谐。
5)life value人生价值
1.Comprising Confucian and Taoist——Asertaining the tropism of Tao yuanming s life value;儒道之间——陶渊明的人生价值取向探析
2.On philosophy of life values;关于人生价值的哲学思考
6)sense of interpersonal-value人际价值感

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分