以孝治国,govern by filial piety
1)govern by filial piety以孝治国
2)ruling the world with filial piety以孝治天下
1."ruling the world with filial piety" in Han Dynasty is not pure theoretical discussion no longer,but the first social pratice in Chinese history.汉代“以孝治天下”不再是纯理论的探讨,而是中国历史上第一次“以孝治天下”的社会实践。

1."Ruling the Country with Filial Piety" in Han Dynasty and the Political Personality of Scholar-bureaucrats汉代“以孝治天下”与士人的政治人格
2.Informal Discussion on Social Practice of the Theory of "Ruling the World with Filial Piety" in Han Dynasty;漫谈汉代“以孝治天下”的社会实践(下)
3.An Informal Discussion about the Social Practice to Govern the World with Filial Piety in the Han Dynasty(I)漫谈汉代“以孝治天下”的社会实践(上)
4.Realistic Effect of Ruling by Filial Piety in the Han Dynasty--Investigation Focusing on the Group of Scholar-bureaucrat’s Clan;汉代“以孝治天下”政策的现实效果——以士人宗族群体为中心的考察
5.From Individual Morality to Political Ethic;从个人德行到政治伦理——以贞、孝、忠为中心的考察
6.A Preliminary Research on the Citizens Political Consciousness at the Small Towns in Xiaogan City: Based on the Examples from Six Small Towns;关于孝感小城镇公民政治意识的初步研究——以孝感六镇公民抽样调查为例
7.Formation of Political Characteristics and the Replacement of Political Ideas During Metaphaseof the South Song Dynasty;南宋中期政治特性之形成与治国理念之嬗递——以宋孝宗、韩侂胄为例
8.I saw him disobeyhis mother yesterday, so I forced him to read a book about filial piety.我昨天看到他不顺从他的母亲,所以强迫他读一本有关孝道的书。
9.The Emperor of Heaven ordered me to help you pay your debt because he was moved by your filial piety.你的孝心感动了玉皇大帝,所以他命我下凡来帮你还债。
10.Fang Hung-chien said, "I didn't know what you liked.Next time I can get some for you too."方鸿渐道:“我就不知道你爱吃什么东西,下次也可以买来孝敬你。”
11.You had a lot of filial piety once.你以往孝心也不少。
12.A Summary of What Neofiliality is uner the Context of Harmonious Society;新孝道观的研究综述——和谐社会背景下的新孝道
13.On the different Configuration of Filial Piety by Confucius and Dong Zhong-shu;孝,何以必须?——孔子与董仲舒对孝道的不同建构
14.Begin with filial piety and fraternal love, and then see and hear .人生的首要大事是孝敬父母,尊敬兄长,其次是多实践于天下大事,博闻古今之理。
15.After Emperor Xiao Zong succeeded to the throne in 1162, Yue Fei was cleared of the unfounded charges and his good name was restored. After this, his body was buried again with full ceremony at the foot of Rosy Cloud Hill.1162年(绍兴三十二年),孝宗即位后,岳飞冤狱才得以昭雪,并以礼改葬栖霞岭下;
16.Regarding cry as happiness and judging the girls by crying,girls who is going to be married,respect their parents by crying.在以哭为喜,以哭定才德的心理下,哭也是出嫁女子对父母尽孝的一种表现。
17.On the Governance of Education against the Background of the Harmonious Society--From the Perspective of Confucian Filial Piety Education’s Revival and Flourish试论和谐社会下教育问题的治理——自儒家孝亲教育回归和高扬的视角
18."The good bring order to the world, the bad plunge it into confusion.""大仁者,修治天下,大恶者,挠乱天下."

ruling the world with filial piety以孝治天下
1."ruling the world with filial piety" in Han Dynasty is not pure theoretical discussion no longer,but the first social pratice in Chinese history.汉代“以孝治天下”不再是纯理论的探讨,而是中国历史上第一次“以孝治天下”的社会实践。
3)rule by benevolenceand filial piety仁孝治国
4)rule by morality以德治国
1.On Ideological Origin and Modern Value of Rule by law and Rule by Morality;论依法治国和以德治国的思想渊源及其现代价值
2.Double connotations of “morality” in the concept of rule by morality;论以德治国概念中“德”的双重内涵
3.On Problems of Rule by Morality;关于“以德治国”若干问题的思考
5)rule of virtue以德治国
1.Stick to "rule of law" and "rule of virtue" to strengthen the leadership of the party;坚持“依法治国”与“以德治国”相结合,进一步巩固党的领导
2."rule of virtue", which should be made one of the leading principles in running the country; 2.将孔子的政治伦理思想归纳为“为政以德 ,譬如北辰居其所而众星共之”等 6个方面 ,并把对我们的道德建设启示概括为以下 3点 :“以德治国”和“依法治国”并举 ;着力加强“官德”建设 ;营造一个良好的“育官”环境 。
3.In ancient times,rule of virtue which stresses the overall interests,taking virtue as foundation for adminisering a country,making unremitting efforts to improve oneself,advocating virtue and kindheartedness,attaching importance to actions and honesty forms the gist of spirit of Chinese nation.以德治国与中华民族精神自古就形成了不可分割的密切关系,古代以德治国思想即重视整体利益、以德为本、自强不息、尚贤、重行、诚信等,构成了中华民族精神的主旨。
6)governing the state by the Confucianism以儒治国
