文学危机,literary crisis
1)literary crisis文学危机

1.A Research On the Transgression of The “Eternal Risk” View In Comparative Literature Discipline;比较文学学科“永恒危机”的逾越──兼及巴斯奈特与米勒的“比较文学危机论”
2."Comparative Literature Crisis" and Disciplinary Theory System Construction of China Comparative Literature;“比较文学危机论”与中国比较文学学科理论体系建构
3.Problem Consciousness and the Crisis of Literary Theories;问题意识与文学理论的危机——危机中的文学理论之重建
4.Division Teaching of Chinese and Literature in the Mother Language Education Crisis;母语教育危机下的汉语文学分科教学
5.The current crisis and prospects of scientific tendency of literary theory;现代性危机与文学理论科学化的前景
6.Crisis and Breakthrough:Starting from the Reform of Teaching Literary Theories危机与突围:从文学理论教学改革入手
7.Scientific Crisis of Literary Theory and Academic Creation;文学理论的学科危机与学术创新——兼评董学文著《文学理论学导论》
8.An Analysis of the Mother Tongue Writing Crisis of the 20th Century Chinese Literature;论20世纪中国文学的母语写作危机
9.Appreciation or Function:Another Crisis of the Superior Literature;审美还是实用:精英文学的另一种危机
10.Crisis and Surpassing--On the Development of Comparative Literature;危机与逾越——试论比较文学的发展
11.The Crisis and Trend of Chinese Reading Instruction in the "Picture Era";“读图时代”语文阅读教学的危机与走向
12.Evolution of Scientism and Humanism and the Human Crisis of Existence;科学主义、人文主义的演进与生存危机
13.A Discussion on the Survive Crisis and Corresponding Measures of Literal Periodicals;略论文学期刊的生存危机与应对策略
14.The Crisis of Comparative Literature and Its Modern Context in China;中国比较文学的现代语境与危机问题
15.Civilization Crisis:Reconsideration of Modernitic Anthropology;文明危机论:现代性的人类学反思纲要
16.The Decline of Language Common Ground and the Pure Literature Crisis;当前语言空间的萎缩与纯文学的危机
17.The New-era Students' Culture-Identification Crisis and Its Reply新生代大学生文化认同危机及其应对
18.Moby Dick: The Literary Fable of Modern Ecological Crisis《白鲸》:现代生态危机的文学寓言

a risk existed in the Comparative Literature Discipline比较文学的危机
3)Cultural Crisis文化危机
1.First, the mordern positivism concept of science had contributed to the European cultural crisis, because of it s refusal of corcern about all metaphysics problems.胡塞尔的科学批判主要有三点:①现代实证主义科学观排除一切形而上学问题,导致了欧洲文化危机及自身意义基础的丧失;②现代科学将自然数学化,且远离生活世界,使人们误把数学化的自然当成自然本身,形成封闭的、客观主义的自然观;③结果是物理主义的客观主义成为现代科学的形而上学基础,因此导致了科学的认识论之谜,使得自然科学知识何以可能成为问题。
2.From Hu Xuewen s novels:Journey,Convention inside the Winter Sun and Who to Be Enemy,the author s description and experience on spirit plight of modern native persons due to cultural crisis was stated.从《旅途》《冬日里的套子》《谁是谁的敌人》等胡学文小说文本出发,阐述了作者对现代乡土人物因文化危机而导致的精神困境的体验与描写。
4)civilization crisis文明危机
1.This paper aims to reconsider the modernitic crisis from a long term anthropologic point of view and tries to explore its primary source-the civilization crisis.本文从人类学的长时段视野反思现代性危机 ,并还原到更根本的文明危机。
5)literary style crisis文体危机
6)Culture crisis文化危机
1.Value Rationality and Instrumental Rationality ──anot her saying of the modern society crisis and the culture crisis of China;价值合理性与目的工具合理性──关于现代社会与中国文化危机的另一种言说
2.Virtually, it’s a profound culture crisis.当前,人类正在面临着一场生存危机,实质上,这是一场深刻的文化危机。

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。