描述翻译研究,Descriptive Translation Studies
1)Descriptive Translation Studies描述翻译研究
1."Creative Treason"vs. Descriptive Translation Studies:Be andAgainst;“创造性叛逆”对描述翻译研究的肯定和背离
2.This paper attempts to analyze Lu Xun’s viewpoints on translation from the perspective of descriptive translation studies,based on Even-Zohar’s polysystem theory and Toury’s idea of translational norms.本文将从描述翻译研究的视角出发,以佐哈尔的多元系统论和图里的规范论为依据,对鲁迅的翻译观作一定的探讨,以期丰富当今的鲁迅研究。
3.These translation universals,concluded from the perspective of descriptive translation studies,confirm that the translated text is a hybrid of the source language system and the target language system.GideonToury在专著《描述翻译学及其他》中提出了两条翻译的普遍规律 ,从其内容表述上看与归化和异化有相似之处 ,但他基于描述翻译研究而得出的结论证明了译作是源语语言文化和目标语语言文化的杂合体。

1.A Probe into Lu Xun’s Translation Ideas from the Perspective of Descriptive Translation Studies;描述翻译研究视角下的鲁迅翻译观探析
2."Creative Treason"vs. Descriptive Translation Studies:Be andAgainst;“创造性叛逆”对描述翻译研究的肯定和背离
3.A Descriptive Study on the Mainland and Taiwan Versions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince-A Cultural Approach;《哈利波特与“混血王子”》两中译本的文化描述翻译研究
4.A Descriptive Study of the Two English Versions of Tao Te Ching;《道德经》两英译本的描述性翻译研究
5.A Descriptive Translation Study on the English Versions of Hongloumeng;《红楼梦》英译本的描述性翻译研究
6.Translators "Habitus": A New Perspective on Descriptive Translation Studies;译者“思维习惯”——描述翻译学研究新视角
7.Translation Norms Within a Descriptive-Explanative Model: on Toury s Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies;翻译规范的描述解释性模型:吉迪恩·图里的描述翻译学研究
8.TEC and TEC-based Descriptive Translation Studies;翻译英语语料库与基于翻译英语语料库的描述性翻译研究
9.Literature Parallel Corpora and Descriptive Translation Research;文学平行语料库及其描述性翻译研究
10.A Descriptive Study of “Unfaithful” Translation in Advertising Translation;广告翻译中“不信”现象的描述性研究
11.Translation Studies in a Descriptive Approach: A Case Study of Two English Versions of Luotuo Xiangzi;《骆驼祥子》两部英译本的描述性翻译研究
12.A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Gone with the Wind from the Perspective of Descriptive Translation Study从描述性翻译研究视角比较《Gone with the Wind》的两个中译本
13.A Descriptive Study on the English Translation of Bei-Sentence in Hongloumeng《红楼梦》中被字句英译的描述性翻译研究
14.A Descriptive Study on the Two Chinese Versions of Tess of the D'Urbervilles对《德伯家的苔丝》两个中译本的描述性翻译研究
15.Towards Norms in Subtitling: A Descriptive Study of Humor Translation in the English Sitcom;字幕翻译的规范:英语情景喜剧中幽默翻译的描述性研究
16.A Descriptive Study on the Alienating Strategy Applied in Sutra Translations from Sanskrit to Chinese;对中国古代佛经翻译异化策略的描述性研究
17.A Descriptive Translation Study on Translation Behavior in the Late Qing Period of China: A Case Study of Lin Shu and His Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin;晚清翻译的描述性研究:林纾和他的《黑奴吁天录》
18.Studies on Translated Fictions in the Late Qing Dynasty from Descriptive Translation Perspective;描写翻译学视角的晚清小说翻译研究

descriptive translation studies描述性翻译研究
1.Since the 1970s when a new paradigm called descriptive translation studies emerged in Europe, some of its central and most powerful tenets, like the definition of the object of study in translation studies, the target emphasis and the contextualization of translation have been widely acclaimed by anyone who wishes to study translation in its own terms.自20世纪七十年代描述性翻译研究在欧洲兴起,其核心概念,诸如对翻译学研究对象的定义、目的语导向,语境化已被任何希望把翻译学作为一门独立学科来研究的学者奉为圭臬,然而价值中立这一提法却始终备受质疑,被冠以“本质主义”/“客观主义”、“科学主义”之名,遭到“实证科学的理想化”、“工具理性”等讨伐之声。
2.Based on descriptive translation studies, it aims at constructing translation principles and translation modes for the English translation of this special kind of drama through text analysis of the source text in general and case studies of seven English translation versions of four plays including The Lute, The Peony Pavilion, The Palace of Eternal Youth and The Peach Blossom Fan.理论的主要功能是其认识功能,为了深刻地认识和解释明清传奇英译的翻译实践、揭示明清传奇英译的翻译规律,本文以描述性翻译研究为基础,通过对明清传奇的文本分析和对《琵琶记》、《牡丹亭》、《长生殿》和《桃花扇》四部明清传奇的七个英语译本进行的案例分析,建立明清传奇英译的翻译原则和翻译模式。
3.In terms of methodology, the thesis first overviews the translation of root-seeking and avant-garde fiction as a whole by means of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), mainly involving such authors as Ah Cheng, Wang Zengqi, Han Shaogong, Mo Yan, Yu Hua and Su Tong.关于研究方法,本文首先运用描述性翻译研究方法定量统计并分析寻根小说和先锋小说的翻译情况,其中代表作家包括阿城、汪曾祺、韩少功、莫言、余华和苏童。
3)descriptive translation studies描写翻译研究
1.Starting from the shortcomings of prescriptive translation studies, this paper explains the inevitability of the appearance of descriptive translation studies, introduces the originality and the definition of descriptive translation studies.从规范性翻译的不足入手,说明描写翻译研究出现的必然性,介绍了描写翻译研究的起源和定义,探讨了描写翻译研究的两个观点:翻译的"不完整性"和"任何翻译都经过了译者不同程度的操纵",以及描写翻译研究的两个原则:"相互依赖原则"和"功能优先原则"。
2.With the development of descriptive translation studies (DTS), translation is no longer considered as a static process of text transfer from the source language to the target language.随着描写翻译研究的兴起,翻译不再被视为简单的由源语到目的语的文本转换的静态过程,而将研究的焦点转向以目的语及其文化为研究中心,为译学研究提供新视角,拓宽了翻译研究的范围。
4)literature parallel corpus based descriptive translation research基于文学平行语料库的描述性翻译研究
5)Descriptive Translation Studies描述翻译学
1.Translation Norms Within a Descriptive-Explanative Model: on Toury s Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies;翻译规范的描述解释性模型:吉迪恩·图里的描述翻译学研究
2.A Linguistic Model for Descriptive Translation Studies描述翻译学的语言学理论模式
3.Descriptive Translation Studies,initiated at 1970s,possess both theoretical and practical attributes,and thus,the dualism redounds to the exchange between the study of translation theories and that of practices.始于20世纪70年代的描述翻译学,因其理论意义和实践价值,在翻译研究中占有十分重要的地位。
1.Reflections on Instrumental Reason of DTS;描述翻译学中的工具理性反思
2.Can Instrumental Reasoning Stand Alone in DTS;描述翻译学中的工具理性辨(英文)
3.A Diachronic Study of Two Chinese Versions of Lin Yutang s My Country and My People from the Perspective of DTS;从描述翻译学的角度对林语堂《吾国与吾民》两个中文译本的历时研究

描述性研究  对某一人口总体或社会现象的特征进行系统、精确的测量和叙述,进而形成命题和假设的研究类型。它的主要目标是回答"是什么"或"怎么样"的问题。描述情况和事件是社会研究的主要目的之一。在描述性研究中,研究者对所研究的社会现象进行周密而仔细的科学观察,然后从特征、状况、规模、程度等方面详尽地把它们描述出来。系统而科学地观察使得这种描述比普通的描述更加准确和精密。人口普查和民意测验就是描述性研究的两个范例。人口普查的目标是对某一人口总体的各种特征作出准确和精密的描述。民意测验的目的则是对民众的意愿、观点、舆论等方面的倾向进行描述。社会学中经常采用描述性研究的还有社区研究、个案研究等。    描述性研究中常用的搜集资料方法有访问法、问卷法、文献法(见文献研究)和观察法等。同探索性研究相比,它具有更复杂的结构,有时还必须有一个具有代表性的样本,其结果也比探索性研究更加全面和系统。它同解释性研究也有一定联系,描述性研究通常是解释性研究的前提和准备,解释性研究是描述性研究的延续和深入,二者通常是一项研究中的两个阶段,相辅相成。