1.Design of the system of collecting farming informations;农事信息采集系统的研究与设计
2.Review on Farming of Xiaohuang Village in Guizhou Province;由于自然地理、社会历史等多种原因,其境内尤其是小黄村一带的许多资源未能开发利用,如果适当调整和改变当地农事习惯的话,这里就会产生较大的经济效益。

1.The name of the God of Harvests is Qi who is believed to be an ancient agronomist.稷神叫“弃”,是古代精通农事的“农艺师”。
2.Reaserch on Farming Ecology Rural Tourism Rural Housing Derive Space in Perimeter of Chendu;成都周边农事生态乡村旅游农居衍生空间研究
3.Relating to agricultural or rural matters.农业的;农村的涉及农业或农村的问题或事情的
4.Indian Council of Agricultural Research印度农业研究理事会
5.He spent his time on research into agriculture.他毕生从事农业研究。
6.will be encouraged to work for enterprises and rural concerns.投身于企业和农村事务。
7.Chinese Rural Health Service Administration中国农村卫生事业管理
8.Service Nationale de Vulgarisation Agricole全国农业推广事务处
9.Department of Environment,Food and Rural Affairs环境、粮食和农业事务部
10.Many farmers are leaving the land to work in industry.很多农民离开农村转事工业劳动.
11.a man who lives in the country and has country ways.住在农村并有农村做事方式的人。
12.National Agricultural Development Council国家农业发展理事会(农发会)
13.a woman who lives in the country and has country ways.住在农村并有农村做事方式的女性。
14.International Council for Research in Agroforestry国际农林研究理事会(农林研究会)
15.A farmer he was, but unwilling to do farm work.自己是农民却不愿意从事农业劳动。
16.Ptiming the agriculture extending model, Developing the agriculture xtending;优化农业推广模式 发展农业推广事业
17.Now they undertake both farming and stockbreeding.现在他们既从事农业,也从事畜牧业。
18.People do farming, grazing or forestry.他们或从事农耕,或从事放牧,有的则从事林业,

1.The effect of the theory "Yin-yang and Five-element" on the cultivation in loess plateau of China;易理“阴阳五行”在黄土高原农耕农事中的观照
3)farming activities农事活动
1.It has become an important factor for water resource deterioration that hydrologic system is impacted by farming activities.农事活动对水文系统的干扰已成为水资源恶化的重要因素。
4)countryside kitchen work农村炊事
5)law of the farming农事节律
1.By virtue of this,a series of social relationships and social course have taken place with the farm cattle’s breeding and utilizing,and because of the influence of the law of the farming,this kind of social relationships and course demonstrate very strong seasonal characteristic.基于此,围绕着耕牛的饲育与役用问题产生了一系列的社会关系与社会过程,受农事节律的影响,这种社会关系与过程又表现出很强的季节性特点:春天是备耕的时节,因而也是耕牛交易的高涨时期,迫于需要,许多农家只好以高利贷的形式赊购耕牛;农忙时分,为保证农业生产的顺利进行,贫穷之家则通过租借等方式以获取牛力投入;农闲时分,为节省饲料等费用,许多农家便把耕牛卖掉。
6)Husbandry Recognition《农事认知》
1.Necessity of Establishing Husbandry Recognition Course for Practice teaching for the Specialty of Plant Protection;浅谈《农事认知》课程在植保专业实践教学中的重要性

农事1.指耕耘﹑收获﹑贮藏等农业生产活动。 2.指村庄。