1.Using Imaging and Workflow Technology in Pension Application;图像及工作流技术在养老金信息系统中的应用
2.A Discussion on Public Pension System;科学建立公共养老金管理体系刍议——中东和北非地区养老金发展经验借鉴
3.Research on the influence of delaying female retirement ages on the female pension;提高女性退休年龄对其养老金的影响研究

1.Cash Balance Pension Plan现金余额养老金计划
2.Constituting a pension.领取养老金或抚恤金的
3.the beneficiary of a pension fund.养老金基金的受益人。
4.deferred pension liabilities account延期养老金负债帐户
5.Defined Benefit Pension Pla养老金固定收益计划
6.Defined Contribution Plan养老金的固定缴款计划
7.basic pensions for retirees离退休人员基本养老金
8.average salary pension scheme平均工资养老金方案
9.annual premium costing养老金交费逐年计算法
10.He held out on John's pension.他扣住了约翰的养老金
11.He administer a large pension fund他管理一大笔养老金
12.a private pension plan私营企业的养老金
13.The subscribers to a tontine.联合养老金制成员联合养老基金的所有投资者
14.Study on Choosing Chinese Pension System and Maintaining Chinese Pension Funds' Safety;我国养老金制度设计及养老基金安全运营研究
15.Research on Raising Pension Fund and Repaying Implicit Pension Debt of China;养老基金筹集与我国隐性养老金债务偿还研究
16.Old age pensioners are admitted at half price .享受养老金的老年人可购半价票入
17.Old age pensioner is admitted at half price .领取养老金老人可享受半价。
18.Old age pensioners are admitted at half price.享受养老金的老年人可购半价票入场。

pension fund养老金
1.Comprehensive risk management for pension funds养老金业务全面风险管理
2.The impacts of pension fund investment on economic growth have been the focus of many studies on social security.养老金投资对经济增长的影响一直是社会保障研究关注的焦点。
3.The asset/liability management of Chinese pension fund is addressed in this paper.探讨了我国养老金资产负债管理问题,通过对通货膨胀率、工资增长率、折现率和缴费率的波动对养老金资产和负债的影响程度的分析,为解决目前我国养老保险体制面临的困境及拓宽养老金融资渠道提出了若干政策建议。
3)old age pension养老金
1.The calculation and distribution of old age pension adopt the unified earning formula, that is, zero or almost zero marginal earning rate.经济转轨过程中,为了提高社会保障的边际效率,需要对享受养老金待遇进行改革。
2.Taking the old age pension act as a case in point, this paper probes the non- economic factors influencing English welfare system from the aspects of politics, society and culture.本文以养老金法为典型事例,从政治、社会、文化三方面探讨影响英国福利制度的非经济性因素。
3.The social insurance established by the Old Age Pension Act in 1908 and the National Insurance Act in 1911 marked its foundation.190 8年的《养老金法》、1911年的《国民保险法》所建立起来的社会保险制度 ,标志着英国现代社会保障制度的基本确立。
1.With the aging of population and the improvement of living standards, traditional annuity system has met a great challenge.养老金的筹资不足、增值不力等现象一直困绕着各国政府和经济学家。
5)pension funds养老基金
1.A Survey of Preference of Pension Funds;养老基金投资偏好研究综述
2.Through comparation of three funds——pension funds, insurance funds and investment funds in international capital market, this paper probes into the relation between the three funds and capital market at the present time in China and the developing prospect of the three funds.通过对国际资本市场上养老基金、保险基金、投资基金三大基金的比较 ,探讨了我国目前三大基金与资本市场的关系及发展前景。
6)pension fund养老基金
1.Asset-liability Management of Pension Fund under Continuous Bear market Context?  Case Study on Switzerland Pension Fund Management and its Enlightenment;持续熊市背景下养老基金的资产负债管理——瑞士养老保险基金管理经验及其启示
2.On the Effective Regulation on International Investments of Pension Funds;关于养老基金国际投资的有效监管
3.Analyzing on the Influence of Pension Funds Investment in Chile and Kazakhstan on the Pension Insurance system in China;养老基金投资运营管理的国外模式及其启示——智利、哈萨克斯坦的案例分析
