1.Research on the Deviation of the Art of Architecturefrom Traditional Culture;论我国当代建筑艺术对传统文化的背离
2.Discussion on the Deviation of Tax Source and Income in the Minority Areas;论民族地区税源与税收收入的背离问题
3.Deviation from Fairness in Highway Traffic Legislation and Practice:The Deep Analysis on the Cause of Frequent Traffic Accidents;我国道路交通立法与实践对公正的背离——交通事故频发原因的深层分析

1.The act of deviating or turning aside.背离,偏离背离或偏离的动作
2.Departing from convention.偏离的,背离惯例的
3.won't depart from family traditions;不要背离家庭传统;
4.deliberately deviating from what is good.与好的东西故意背离
5.His viewpoint erred from the truth他的观点背离了真理。
6.composers who reacted against romanticism.背离浪漫主义的作风家
7.He is unwilling to depart from regular practice.他不愿意背离常规。
8.break with established customs.与传统的习俗相背离
9.He often deviates form the party line他经常背离党的路线。
10.ideological defection from the party line (especially from orthodox communism).与主流的意识形态背离(尤指背离正统的团体)。
11.A deviation, as from a standard or practice.背离从标准或常规等的偏离
12.To turn aside from a course or way.背离偏离一个路线或方向
13.Deviate To change or move away from an original intention or agreed on course of action.偏离改变或背离原来的意图或商定的行动过程。
14.The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.这块在船上得铁引起罗盘磁针的背离
15.Just trapped in castle of dark side of moon.她们被幽禁在背离月光的黑暗城堡中。
16.for leaving my Father's House and my native Country,要离弃父母,背井离乡呢?
17.figure ground segregation图形背景分离形象背景分离
18.To pack up equipment and leave a campsite.打好背包,离开露营地

1.The violation and the effect of Grice s cooperation principle in humorous remarks;幽默语对格赖斯会话合作原则的背离及功效
2.Social Power Relation Reflected in the Violation of the Cooperation Principle in Pride and Prejudice;合作原则在《傲慢与偏见》中的背离所体现的社会权势
3.Trough a variety of examples,this paper focuses on interpreting euphemism in its intended orientation from an analysis of the violation of Cooperative Principle.文章着重从背离这一角度出发结合实例来探讨会话合作原则在委婉语信息解读过程中所起的语义定向作用。
3)v. to change what one is doing背离,偏离
5)prerequisite of departure背离条件
6)opportunity of departure背离时机
