1)discount[英]['diskaunt][美]['d?s,ka?nt, d?s'ka?nt]折价
1.An Explaining and Its Empirical Research of the Discount of China Close-ended Fund;中国封闭式基金折价现象解释及其实证
2.Premium on discount of bonds;论公司债券的溢价与折价
3.An Analysis on Character and Effect Factors of China Closed-End Funds Discount;中国封闭式基金折价特征与影响因素分析

1.To sell or discount(assets or securities, for example).折价出售出售或折价(比如,财产或证券)
2.unamortized bond discount未摊还公司债券折价
3.trade sth. for a new bicycle把…折价换新自行车
4.How long will the sale last? Only two days.折价销售多久? 只有二天。
5.discount on installment contracts receivable应收分期偿还票据折价
6.Amortization of Discount on Funded Debt长期债务的折价摊销
7.discount Bond按面值折价发行的债券
8.bond discount and expenses债券折价及发行费用
9.When bonds are issued, the amount of any discount is debited to an account entitled Discount on Bonds Payable.在债券发行时,折价金额借记应付债券折价账户。
10.The market value of a bond which is below its face value.折价债券的市场价低于票面价值。
11.He Bought a trade-in for a very low price.他以低价买了一个折价物。
12.Amortize bond discount and premium by the effective-interest method.用实际利率法摊销债券的折价和溢价。
13.Rules of Issuing at a Discount, Issuing at Different Prices and Paying by Instalments;论折价发行、异价发行与分期缴纳规则
14.Cut cut reduce price.削(打折扣)价、降价。
15.Cut [ cut ] [ reduce ] price削(打折扣)价、降价
16.An allowance made for a loss in value of property.折旧对财物价值的损失所作的折扣
17.Better reduce the price than allow a discount.与其给折扣,不如减价。
18.This is the discounted price.这是打了折扣的价钱。

1.Equity Structure, Agency and Corporate Diversification Discounts;股权结构、代理问题与公司多元化折价
2.Closed-end Fund Discounts Research Based on Clustering Investor Sentiment Theory;基于投资者情绪理论的封闭式基金折价问题研究
3.A Study on Closed-End Fund Discounts in China—On a framework of Investors' Sentiment Index封闭式基金折价与投资者情绪新解——基于投资者情绪指标框架的分析
1.An Empirical Analysis of SEO Underpricing of Chinese A-share Companies;中国股票市场A股增发折价研究
2.Empirical Analysis of Underpricing Factors of the IPO after the Settlement of Split Share Structure;股权分置改革后我国股票市场IPO折价影响因素研究
3.Underpricing of New Equity Issues and Information Asymmetric;新股发行折价和信息不对称
4)assessment rate of discount估价折价率
1.The assessment rate of discount is recommended to decrease the sensitivity of assessment value.认为应设置估价折价率,以降低评估价格的敏感性,给评估业一个经验积累的空间。
5)Value depletion价值折耗
6)price discount电价折扣
1.At the same time,the paper discusses the two sensitivity equation of utility and customers based on themselves special profit,which can decide the principle of interruptible load contract,price discount and the interruptible load price for system next period.针对实施可中断负荷管理过程中存在的问题,以实时电价为基础,研究了考虑用户价格反应后的实时电价的特点,提出一个考虑用户价格反应的实时电价数学模型,来研究用户对实时电价的反应;同时通过建立交易双方基于自身利益最优的两个响应方程,为系统下一时段可中断负荷合同、电价折扣及可中断负荷电价的确定提供了依据。

封闭式基金折价率 封闭式基金折价率概述   当封闭式基金在二级市场上的交易价格低于实际净值时,这种情况称为“折价”。  折价率=(单位份额净值-单位市价)/单位份额净值。根据此公式,折价率大于0(即净值大于市价)时为折价,折价率小于0(即净值小于市价)时为溢价。除了投资目标和管理水平外,折价率是评估封闭式基金的一个重要因素。国外解决封闭式基金大幅度折价的方法有:封闭转开放、基金提前清算、基金要约收购、基金单位回购、基金管理分配等。 例如某封闭式基金市价0.8元,净值是1.20元,我们就说它的折价率是(0.8-1.20)/1.20=-33.33%。 封闭式基金折价率是一个小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。