学习组织,learning organization
1)learning organization学习组织
1.Education must renovate its ideas to regard everyone as educational object,renovate driving mechanism to inspire learning aspiration,renovate management mechanism to promote "all our people enjoy their rights to education",renovate guarantee mechanism to relieve learning difficulties,so as to bring everyone into learning organization.教育须更新观念,视人人都是教育对象;教育须创新动力机制激发求知热望,创新管理机制促进"学有所教",创新保障机制解除学习困难,将人人纳入学习组织;教育还须做实服务,实行制度化教育与非制度化教育并举、岗位教育与非岗位教育并举、市民教育与非市民教育并举,让人人享受学习幸福。

1.A discussion on the function of learning groups in self-regulated learning大学英语自主学习中的学习组织探讨
2.Analysis of the Relationship among Individual Learning,Organizational Learning and Learning Organization;个体学习、组织学习与学习型组织之辨析
3.Promoting EFL Learner Automomy by Means of Coorperative Learning;组织小组合作学习,促进学生自主学习
4.A Research on the Relationship of Lifelong Learning, Organization Learning and Organization Development;终身学习与组织学习和组织发展的关系研究
5.A Study on Organizational Learning and Design of Organization Structure in Learning Enterprises;学习型企业的组织学习与组织结构设计研究
6.Appraisal model of learning organization of enterprise and organization study effect;企业学习型组织及组织学习效果综合评价模型
7.Learning organization is a new type of organization pattern.学习型组织是一种新型的组织模式。
8.The Research on the Effects of Organizational Learning to NPO Performance;组织学习对非营利组织绩效影响研究
9.Explanation about Organization Learning in Non-Profit Orgaznization;非营利组织中组织学习相关问题阐释
10.Core Capability:The Role of Organizational Culture and Organizational Learning:An Empirical Research in the South China;核心能力:组织文化和组织学习作用
11.Construction of Learning Organization in the Public Administrative Organization;学习型组织在公共行政组织中的建构
12.A Study on Innovational Organization of Industrial Cluster;集群创新:从“学习型组织”到“创新型组织”
14.A new direction of organization changing-to establish the learning organization;组织变革的方向——建立学习型组织
15.Research on the Relationship among Organizational Improvisation,Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory;组织即兴、组织学习和组织记忆三者关系的研究
16."Learning Organization "and Teacher Development in Polytechnic;"学习型组织"与建设学习型教师队伍
17.Structural Pattern of Learning-type Organization and Optimization of Academic Organizations in Colleges;学习型组织结构模式与大学学术组织优化
18.Student Organization Innovation in Universities:Building Learning-oriented Student Organizations高校学生组织机制创新:建设学习型学生组织

organizational learning组织学习
1.Entrepreneurial orientation and firm s performance: A mediating effect of organizational learning;创业导向与组织绩效间关系实证研究:基于组织学习的中介效应
2.Research on the relationship of organizational learning, capability, and choice of innovation type;组织学习、能力与创新方式选择关系研究
3.A study on the relationships among market orientation,organizational learning & organizational performance;市场导向、组织学习与组织绩效的关系研究
3)organization learning组织学习
1.Comments on the Theory of Organization Learning in Knowledge Management Area;知识管理视域的组织学习理论评价
2.Study on the forming mechanism of alliance network based on the organization learning;基于组织学习的联盟网络形成机理研究
4)organization study组织学习
1.This article focuses on the effect of BPR to promote the organization study in the initial,analysis and the re-engineering project stage Thus the BPR method promotion theory,as one kind of organization study,is established.本文旨在聚焦于BPR活动中的项目组和指导委员会来研究BPR在项目初始、分析和再设计阶段中通过流程定位和确定顾客偏好来促进组织学习问题,从而提出并建立一种组织学习的BPR方法促进论。
2.On the base of the study on the hypothesis of humanity,it comprehensively specifies the study on the development of learning organization and the reasons concerned;the myth brought by learning organization;and the core conceptions of learning organization:individual study,organization study,annotation of learning organization.在对人性假设研究的基础上 ,综述了学习型组织的发展及其原因的研究 ,学习型组织引发的神话及学习型组织的核心概念 :个体学习、组织学习、学习型组织的诠释研究。
3.Since organization study theory landed in China in the 1990s it developed slowly in the uproar, and then became the hot topic in many fields such as management, enterprise and psychology.90年代以来组织学习理论登陆中国并在“喧嚣中蠕行” ,随继成为管理学界、企业界以及心理学界等多学科关注的热点问题。
5)study organization学习型组织
1.Upgrading college teachers creativity in study organization;构建高校学习型组织中教师创造力培养的模式
2.The study organization in library and librarian s continuing education;学习型组织与图书馆员的继续教育
3.Research on Training System of Aerospace Seventh Academy Based on Study Organization Theory;基于学习型组织理论的航天七院培训体系研究
6)learning organization学习型组织
1.Probe into application of learning organization in nursing management;学习型组织应用于护理管理的探讨
2.The measures of the corporate culture establishment on learning organization;浅议学习型组织的企业文化实施
3.Study on the dimensions of learning organization and the validation;学习型组织构面与检验方法研究

学习型组织的组成要素学习型组织的组成要素: 一、建立共同愿景(Building Shared Vision):愿景可以凝聚公司上下的意志力,透过组织共识,大家努力的方向一致,个人也乐于奉献,为组织目标奋斗。 二、团队学习(Team Learning):团队智慧应大于个人智慧的平均值,以做出正确的组织决策,透过集体思考和分析,找出个人弱点,强化团队向心力。 三、改变心智模式(Improve Mental Models):组织的障碍,多来自于个人的旧思维,例如固执己见、本位主义,唯有透过团队学习,以及标杆学习,才能改变心智模式,有所创新。 四、自我超越(Personal Mastery):个人有意愿投入工作,专精工作技巧的专业,个人与愿景之间有种「创造性的张力」,正是自我超越的来源。 五、系统思考(System Thinking):应透过资讯搜集,掌握事件的全貌,以避免见树不见林,培养综观全局的思考能力,看清楚问题的本质,有助于清楚了解因果关系。