信息差,Information Gap
1)Information Gap信息差
1.How to Deliver English Lessons with the Aid of Information Gap;利用信息差进行课堂教学的实践与探索——谈新生班的第一节英语课
2.The study on the emergence of information gap and its effects;论言语信息差的生成及其效应
3.Bridging Information Gap in Listening Comprehension with Reference to Schema Theory;应用图式理论,弥合听力理解中的信息差

1.Information Difference and Its Applications in the Assessment for Product Information Quality;信息差及其在产品信息质量评价中的应用
2.Conference on Bridging the Information Gap in Space Science and Technology缩小空间科学和技术的信息差距会议
3.The Role of Information Gap in Teaching English in High School;信息差原理在中学英语教学中的作用
4.On the Causes for Information Gap in Inter-cultural Communication;跨文化交际中言语信息差的形成原因
5.Designing of "Information Gap"Group Works in Classroom;“信息差”式课堂小组活动设计模式探究
6.Information Disparity between Chun Xiao and its Five Versions;浅谈《春晓》与它的五种译本间的信息差
7.television error processor电视误差信息处理机
8.The Information Divide Studies Owing to the Difference of Main Body of Consumption;基于消费主体差异性的信息势差研究
9.The Differences of Age and Self-Confidence in Misinformation Effect;误导信息效应中年龄差异与自信差异初探
10.Accounting Information Distortion and Accounting Information Error应正确区分会计信息失真与会计信息误差
11.Informationalism and Philosophy of Information;信息主义与信息哲学:差异中的关联与包容
12.The Differences Between Information Requirements of Glaucoma Patients and Information Supported by Nurses青光眼患者信息需求与护士信息支持的差异
13.block error rate信息组差错率;信息组错误率;码组差错率;块出错率
14.Bayesian estimation of non-information variance and covariance components in the nonlinear model非线性模型中无信息方差和协方差分量Bayes估计
15.Boundary information is the reflection of the spectral difference between objects.边缘信息是地物间波谱差异的反映。
16.The Difference Analysis of the Public Attitude to the Information Divide;关于公众对信息分化的态度差异分析
17.Experimental Studies on Gender Differences in Information Processing to Advertisement;广告信息加工中性别差异的实验研究
18.A Study on the Differences of Information Consumption of China s Urban Residents;中国城镇居民信息消费的差异性研究

information difference信息差
1.We proposed a concept of information difference (ID) based on comprehensive analysis of enterprise information.在对企业信息进行全面分析的基础上提出了信息差的概念 ,基于信息差提出一种权重系数确定法并给出具体计算步骤。
2.This thesis is mainly intended as a tentative exploration of information difference in verbal communication, that is, the difference between what one side intends to deliver to the other side by encoded message and what the other side works out of the decoded message.本文主要从分析Shannon和Gudykunst的交际模式入手,讨论交际过程中编码者的意图和解码者的理解之间的不对等导致的信息差
3)discrepancy information差异信息
1.And then based on the discrepancy information principle of Grey theory, an arithmetic operator of Grey membership degree is put forward to aggrandize discrepancy information as well as to infirm similar information.先根据专家对各对象关于各指标的打分 ,求出各类别的隶属度矩阵 ,然后基于灰色理论的差异信息原理 ,提出一个灰色隶属度算子来强化差异信息、弱化相似信息 ,求得各类别新的隶属度矩阵并依据它们的信息来确定类别权系数 ,进而求得最终的隶属度矩阵 ,最后通过计算平均隶属度来评价对象 。
4)the time-difference information时差信息
5)information gap信息差距
1.Relations of Lag of Rural Economic Develpment and Information Gap of Urban and Rural;论农村经济发展滞后与城乡信息差距之关系
2.In foreign language teaching, people also notice the phenomenon of the tensive structure: existence and removal of the information gap between the teachers and students, quick/slow rhythm in the teaching process and antithesis in the figure of speech of the text.张力本是物理学中描述两物体间紧张关系的一种力的概念,但在外语教学过程中人们也能感受到张力结构现象:师生间信息差距的存在和消除、教学过程中节奏的快与慢和强与弱、以及文本修辞格中体现出的对立关系等。
3.In traditional English teaching,the questions asked by teachers often lack information gap.传统英语教学中教师缺少信息差距的明知故问存在诸多缺点。
6)information error信息误差
